// End to end solution in plaintext can be put in here.
- NCMP will receive the Subscription Request from EDM in the form of an Event.
- NCMP will be responsible for the below operations. ( Consumer Code for EDM Event )
- Since NCMP already knows the structure of the incoming subscription request it will map the incoming request to java object.
- Persist the request in the subscription-registry model which we already introduced.
- NCMP ( Producer Code and Record the published time )
- Enrich the request with the additional properties and a proper dmiRequestId ( subscriptionId+subscriptionName+dmiServiceName)
- Save the dmiRequestId in the distributed map along with the current-time. ( we can call it published time ) . This will be useful at a later point in time.
- Now forward the subscription request to the dmi-plugins based on the incoming target cmHandles we have. ( Since we have the information that which dmi-plugin is responsible for which cmHandle , we can figure this out ).
- At this level we could have forwarded the event to multiple dedicated topics.
- DMI-Plugin
- It will have a consumer code to listen from a particular topic.
- It will translate the event so that it is able to extract the important information from the event.
- DMI-Plugin is responsible to talk to the underlying Nodes it is managing inorder to register the subscription ( i.e provide the predicate information ) NOTE : We will skip this part in the onap-dmi-plugin implementation.
- DMI-Plugin will respond back with the response as accepted / rejected. We will have a response format which will be discussed in the dedicated place.
- NCMP ( Consumer for DMI-Plugin Response )
// Draw architecture diagram