ONAP Security Logging
Goal: ONAP containers built from Java based docker images contain certain security related logging fields which are not present in non-Java (python) based images. Task is to Implement security logging fields into ONAP containers for the python based images to match the Java counterpart.
Steps Taken:
- First tried building and running one of the python based containers: onap_dcaegen2-collectors-snmptrap to see what the logs looked like
- Contained the following logs which had data:
- debug.log
- metrics.log
- error.log
- snmptrapd_arriving_traps.log
- Debug and error log contained following security log fields: timestamp, logLevel, message; were MISSING: logTypeName (optional), traceId, statusCode, principalID, serviceName
- Contained the following logs which had data:
- Investigate how security logging is being implemented in the Java based docker images
- Seems like it may be using some logstash plugin (which is from the company elastic) - the encoder in one of the xml's for cps-service referenced this: '<encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LoggingEventCompositeJsonEncoder">' (https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/cps/+/128801/13/cps-service/src/main/resources/logback-spring.xml)
- There is a python package called ecs-logging (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/python/current/log-correlation.html#logging-integrations) which may be relevant
- ecs-logging-python supports automatically collecting ECS tracing fields from the Elastic APM Python agent in order to correlate logs to spans, transactions and traces in Elastic APM
- could return a trace id and transaction id (not fully certain which one might be mapped to the traceId specified in the wiki (https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/Jakarta+Best+Practice+Proposal+for+Standardized+Logging+Fields+-+v2)
- The Elastic APM agent has built in support for certain web frameworks (Flask being one of them)
- Looked for a python based ONAP container that was running Flask (pm subscription handler container)
- Since pmsh had some other ONAP dependencies, tried using the docker-compose.yml found here (https://github.com/onap/integration-csit/tree/master/plans/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testsuite) but encountered many problems (see problem section below)
- PMSH code also had some reference to the fields we were interested in: ServiceName, RequestID (https://github.com/onap/dcaegen2-services/blob/master/components/pm-subscription-handler/pmsh_service/mod/__init__.py). Goal was to also see what data populated here, but the container never successfully built