- OSC work on CM Handling (Nov 2021). The following page
CM handling guide - Developer Wiki - Confluence (onap.org)
describes a CM VES message and procedure for handling it, especially mapping the schema url to a local url. This refers to a 3GGP Rel16 scheme which needs to be updated to https://forge.3gpp.org/rep/sa5/MnS/-/blob/Rel-18/OpenAPI/TS28532_ProvMnS.yaml - ONAP work on defining a CM VES message. This is an older format and does not have a path specified, but may be useful in designing the solution
Sample CM VES message for notifyMOIChanges (as of 2/16/2023
Sample CM VES message for notifyMOIChanges
. Link to json file: cm_ves_20230216.json )
{ "event": { "commonEventHeader": { "domain": "stndDefined", "eventId": "stnddefined000001", "eventName": "stnddefined_Metrics", "lastEpochMicrosec": 1670938742757000, "nfNamingCode": "NFC", "nfVendorName": "Capgemini Engineering", "priority": "Normal", "reportingEntityId": "nearrtric-22_cucpserver2", "reportingEntityName": "honeycomb", "sequence": 0, "sourceId": "nearrtric-22_cucpserver2", "sourceName": "Capgemini Engineering", "startEpochMicrosec": 1670938742757000, "stndDefinedNamespace": "3GPP-Provisioning", "timeZoneOffset": "UTC+05:30", "version": "4.0.1", "vesEventListenerVersion": "7.2" }, "stndDefinedFields": { "schemaReference": "https://forge.3gpp.org/rep/sa5/MnS/blob/Rel16/OpenAPI/provMnS.yaml#/components/schemas/NotifyMoiChanges", "data": { "href": "", "notificationId": 1, "notificationType": "notifyMOIChanges", "eventTime": "2021-08-23T11:52:10.6Z", "systemDN": "xyz", "moiChanges": [ { "notificationId": 123, "correlatedNotifications": [], "additionalText": "AdditionalTextDetails", "sourceIndicator": "MANAGEMENT_OPERATION", "path": "/restconf/data/ran-network:ran-network/NearRTRIC=22/GNBCUCPFunction=cucpserver2/NRCellCU=15549/NRCellRelation=14427/isHOAllowed", "operation": "REPLACE", "value": { "isHOAllowed": "true" } } ] }, "stndDefinedFieldsVersion": "1.0" } } }