# | Assumption | Notes |
1 | All information included in the subscription event will be forwarded | |
2 | org.onap.ncmp:cm-avc-subscription-event.response will be received from the DMI as per CPS-1065 Spike: CM data notifications from NCMP to applications including subscriptions#SubscriptionSteps |
Forward Subscription Event
- At the moment, it is up to the DMI Plugins to accept or reject
- NCMP has to reject if cached dataspace is used (Cached is currently not supported)
Code Block title AVC Subscription Forwarding collapse true { "$id": "urn:cps:org.onap.cps.ncmp.events:avc-subscription-event.forward:v1", "$timestamp": "0000" "$forwardedSubscriptionEvent": { "version": "1.0", "eventType": "subscriptionCreated", "event": { "subscription": { "clientID": "SCO-9989752", "name": "cm-subscription-001" }, "dataType": { "dataspace": "ALL", "dataCategory": "CM", "dataProvider": "CM-SERVICE" "schemaName": "org.onap.ncmp:cm-network-avc-event.rfc8641" "schemaVersion": "1.0" }, "predicates": { "datastore": “passthrough-operational", "datastore-xpath-filter": "//_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbdufunction:GNBDUFunction/ _3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu:NRCellDU/ | //_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcuupfunction:GNBCUUPFunction// | //_3gpp-nr-nrm-gnbcucpfunction:GNBCUCPFunction/_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrcelldu:NRCellCU// | //_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier:NRSectorCarrier//” } } }
Subscription Event Responses
- NCMP will be aware of the registered DMIs and the CMHandles registered to a given DMI
- Therefore will know how many DMIs to be waiting for a response from
- Wait for timeout before sending event outcome? (30s)
Subscription Event Outcome
- NCMP is to collate Event Responses from DMI and send.
- Wait for timeout,
- if all DMIs returned send full Event Outcome
- else partial event outcomes
Component Diagram
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