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Table of Contents


Note: KeyValuePairs data type is typically realized as Hashmap or Hashtable


Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription


Identifier (UUID)1Identifier that identifies the ASD which defines the AS instance to be created.


String0..1Human-readable name of the AS instance to be created.


String0..1Human-readable description of the AS instance to be created.

additionalParams1, 2

KeyValuePairs0..1Additional input parameters for the Create AS process (this is a pace holder to hold any additional parameters for the orchestrator, such as CNFM)


  1. The additional parameters can be passed to define custom values. All keys that are separated by dots are handled as separate values. Passing a value file content is under consideration. Special characters are allowed to represent \n, \., etc.
  2. The target cluster name could be passed thru additionalParams if the client wants to select the target cluster.


  • POST .../as_instances/{asInstanceId}/instantiate (InstantiateAsRequest)
  • 202 Accepted ()
  • Send asLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification (STARTING/PROCESSING/COMPLETED)
  • 200 OK (AsLcmOpOcc:operationState=COMPLETED)


Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription



0..Ncontains ext cpd parameter instance-level values


DeploymentItems1..Ncontains lifecycle parameters for deploymentItems

additionalParams1, 2

KeyValuePairs0..1Additional input parameters for the Instantiate AS process (this is a pace holder to hold any additional parameters for the orchestrator, such as CNFM)


  1. The additional parameters can be passed to define custom values. All keys that are separated by dots are handled as separate values. Passing a value file content is under consideration. Special characters are allowed to represent \n, \., etc.
  2. The target cluster name could be passed thru additionalParams if the client wants to select the target cluster.



loadbalancerIPString0..1contains the IP address to configure the loadBalancer of the K8s service or ingress controller that the ExtCpd represents



contains external IPs


contains a list of nad names


contains a nad namespace


Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription
deploymentItemIdIdentifier1Identifies which deploymentItem


KeyValuesPairs0..Nprovides lifecycle parameter keys and values


  1. provides instance-level key-value sets for the Helm Charts values file(s).


  • POST .../as_instances/{asInstanceId}/terminate (TerminateAsRequest)
  • 202 Accepted ()
  • Send asLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification (STARTING/PROCESSING/COMPLETED)
  • 200 OK (AsLcmOpOcc:operationState=COMPLETED)


Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription
gracefulTerminationTimeoutInteger0..1The unit is seconds
additionalParamsKeyValuePairs0..1Additional input parameters for the Terminate AS process (this is a pace holder to hold any additional parameters for the orchestrator, such as CNFM)

Delete AS Instance Resource


AsInstance for Create and Query

Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription

Identifier of the AS instance

asInstanceNameString0..1Name of the AS instance. This attribute can be modified with the PATCH (i.e., update) method.

Human-readable description of the AS instance.

This attribute can be modified with the PATCH method.


Identifier of the ASD on which the CNF instance is based.


Specifies the version of the Application.




Specifies the version of the ASD’s schema. The value is copied from the ASD.




Provider of the AS instance. The value is copied from the ASD.




Name to identify the AS instance. The value is copied from the ASD.




Specifies the version of the Application. The value is copied from the ASD.


Human readable name for the Application service instance. The value is copied from the ASD.


Human readable description of the AS instance. The value is copied from the ASD.



Contains the externally exposed “instance-level” connection points of the application.

enhancedClusterCapabilitiesdatatype. enhancedClusterCapabilities0..N

Contains a list of  “instance-level” expected capabilities of the target Kubernetes cluster to aid placement of the application service on a suitable cluster.


Contains Deployment artifacts with “instance-level” lifecylceparmaeterKeyValues


String of Enum;


Indicates the current Instantiation State




Information specific to an instantiated AS Instance, such as STARTED, STOPPED

metadataobject (key value pair)0..1

represents a list of “instance-level” metadata key-value pairs

extensionsobject (key value pair)0..1

Additional AS-specific “instance-level” attributes that affect the lifecycle management of this AS instance


Links to resources related to this resource, such as self, indicators, instantiate, terminate and operate URIs


name of the deployment in the namespace (e.g., helm release name)

Note: once an app is deployed, the asDeploymentName is required

targetClusterString0..1target cluster name


Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription

String of Enum; 


Identifier of the AS instance

localizationLanguageString0..1Information about localization language of the AS

Attribute NameData TypeCardinalityDescription
selfobject 0..1represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI
>hrefString1string formatted according to IETF RFC 3986
indicatorsobject0..1represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI
>hrefString1string formatted according to IETF RFC 3986
instantiateobject0..1represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI
>hrefString1string formatted according to IETF RFC 3986
terminateobject0..1represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI
>hrefString1string formatted according to IETF RFC 3986
operateobject0..1represents a link to a resource using an absolute URI
>hrefString1string formatted according to IETF RFC 3986

Register K8S Clusters

To instantiate an AS on an non-ONAP K8S cluster, a cluster configuration file that is specific to the cluster must be uploaded.


displayNamekubernetes Capacity diagram
namekubernetes Capacity diagram

cluster_namename of Kubernetes ClustertrueString
node_namename of Kubernetes nodetrueString
capacityCapacity represents the total resources of a node.falseobject
allocatableAllocatable represents the resources of a node that are available for scheduling. Defaults to Capacityfalse


  • cpu
  • memory
  • storage

conditionsConditions is an array of current observed node conditions.falsev1.NodeCondition array
addressesList of addresses reachable to the node.falsev1.NodeAddresses array
daemonEndpointsEndpoints of daemons running on the Node.falsev1.NodeDaemonEndpoints
nodeInfoSet of ids/uuids to uniquely identify the node.falsev1.NodeSystemInfo
imagesList of container images on this nodefalsev1.ContainerImage array
volumesInUseList of attachable volumes in use (mounted) by the node.falsev1.UniqueVolumeName array
volumesAttachedList of volumes that are attached to the node.falsev1.AttachedVolume array

Query Cluster POD by name


  • kubectl get ns -A
  • kubectl get pods - n <namespace>
  • kubectl get pod,NODE:.spec.nodeName
  • kubectl get pod,NODE:.spec.nodeName | awk '{print $2}'.                                         // get the node name
  • kubectl get pod,NODE:.spec.nodeName | grep <release name>.                               // get the pod and node names for release name
  • kubectl get pod,NODE:.spec.nodeName | grep <release name> | awk '{print $2}'.  // get the node name for release name
  • kubectl describe pods <pod name>       // get a pod description
  • kubectl describe pods <pod name> | grep 'Container ID'.    // get container id(s) from a pod
  • kubectl get pod <pod name>  -o=",INIT-CONTAINERS:.spec.initContainers[*].name,CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name".   // get pod, init-container and containers
  • kubectl get pods <pod name>  -o jsonpath='{range .spec.containers[*]}{.name}{"\n"}{end}'.   // get container name(s) from the pod name
  • kubectl exec -it <pod name> -c <container name> bash.  // access pod


Create and Instantiate AS

  • <Preconditions>:
    • Registar K8S Cluster(s) to ONAP
    • During the registration, SO CNFM creates .kube/{target K8S cluster name}.config file(s)

  • <SO BPMN Infra>
    • BPMN Infra workflow gets VF Resource TOSCA.meta. 
    • In there, the entity_defintion_type is found and it is set to "asd", BPMN infra launches the AS LCM Workflow as the above.
    • The workflows sends a request for Create AS Identifier to SO CNFM

  • <Create an AS Identifier>
    • SO CNFM receives the create request (CreateAsRequest) and processes the request and return a response with AsInstance
      • CreateAsRequest:


        Identifier (UUID)1Identifier that identifies the ASD which defines the AS instance to be created.


        String0..1Human-readable description of the AS instance to be created.


        String0..1Human-readable name of the AS instance to be created.

      • The client passes "asdId" to SO CNFM, so CNFM can query an ASD with the asdId from the ASD Repository

      • SO CNFM copies the incoming CreateAsRequest attributes into an AsInstance structure, and persists the AsInstance, which has a connection between the asInstanceId and asdId
      • note: SO CNFM will uses the asdId when it queries an ASD from the ASD Repository during the instantiation operation

    • When the Create AS instance is successful, SO CNFM returns 200 OK with the AsInstance
      • The returned AsInstance contains the asInstanceId
      • Subsequent operations uses the asInstanceId; i.e., the Client use the asIstanceId in the REST Api path

  • <Instantiate an AS>
    • BPMN Infra sends an AS instantiate request to SO CNFM with the asInstanceId as follows:
      • POST .../as_instances/{asInstanceId}/instantiate (InstantiateAsRequest)
      • InstantiateAsRequest

        Attribute Name

        Data Type





        0..Ncontains ext cpd parameter instance-level value


        DeploymentItems1..Ncontains lifecycle parameters for deploymentItems
        additionalParamsKeyValuesPairs0..1Additional input parameters for the instantiation process (this is a pace holder to hold any additional parameters which are needed by SO CNFM)

    • SO CNFM retrieves the corresponding AsInstance from its DB; it is retrieve the "asdId" for the ASD query
    • SO CNFM queries an ASD with the asdId from the ASD Repository; caches the retrieved ASD in the memory during the Instantiate operations
    • SO CNFM reads thru the ASD DeploymentItems, and per deploymentItems, SO CNFM queries for the associated Helm Chart (1:1) from the Helm Chart Repository
      • caches the retrieved Helm Charts in the memory during the Instantiate operations
    • SO CNFM reads the deploymentItems.deploymentOrder. Based on the order sequence, SO CNFM processes the deploymentItems one by one
    • For each, deployment item,
      • SO CNFm creates vf-modules in AAI
      • SO CNFM assignes vf-modules in SDNC
      • From the InstantiateAsRequest, SO CNFM retrieves the deploymentItems
        • DeploymentItems

          deploymentItemIdIdentifier1Identifies which deploymentItem


          KeyValuesPairs0..Nprovides lifecycle parameter keys and values

        • The lifecycleParameterKeyValues contains a list of customizable attributes (key) in the values.yaml with instance-level values
      • From the associated Helm Chart, SO CNFM gets the values.yaml
      • SO CNFM creates a new values.yaml, based on the retrieved values.yaml + lifecycleParameterKeyValues
      • ==== SO CNFM processes the asdExtCpdInputParam ==== TBD
      • SO CNFM performs "helm template " to render K8S resource template(s)
      • With the rendered k8S resource template(s), SO CNFM gets a placement decision from the Placement component (e.g., OOF)
        • Currently, use of OOF is out of the scope from the initial PoC
        • In the initial PoC, a simplified placement function will be used
      • Based on the placement decision, SO CNFM determines the target K8S cluster
      • Set the Helm command environment to connect to the target K8S cluster
        • set .kube/{target K8S cluster name}.config
      • SO CNFM invokes "helm install" command with the corresponding Helm Chart and a new values.yaml
        • SO CNFM will have a few South-Bound plugin (helm client, CNF Adapter, others)
        • in the initial PoC, the helm client will be used
        • SO CNFM Helm Client will select a target Kubernetes cluster
          • e.g., helm install <release> <chart> --kubeconfig ~/.kubeconfigs/<cluster_name>.kubeconfig
          • in the initial PoC, the target cluster is selected by the user and its name will be passed thru the user params (in SO) and additionalParams (in SO-CNFM)
      • If successful, SO CNFM update the corresponding vf-module in the AAI

  • <Postconditions>:
    • each POD is a Ready status. This ensures that each POD can serve requests.
    • Some of the PODs will not reach the Ready status until a day 1 configuration is applied
    • The PODs still need verification of containers with a specific ContainerState


Create an AS Identifier

In order for an application (CNF) to be eligible for instantiation, a CNF identifier must be created to identify the application service as a unique instance.

An AS instance supports multiple deployment items (helm charts). So, the AS instance id could be used for helm release names as the prefix.

Query AS Instance Identifiers

To list all AS instances, make a GET request to SO CNFM.

GET .../aslcm/v1/as_instances

Query an AS instance by Instance ID

To query a specific AS instance by its instance ID, make a GET request to SO CNFM.

GET .../aslcm/v1/as_instances/{asInstanceId}

Instantiate an AS
  • To instantiate an AS, make a poST request to SO CNFM. The target cluster name is included in the requrest parameter.

POST .../as_instances/{asInstanceId}/instantiate

  • if some of the parameters required for instantiation are complex and cannot fit into the additionalParams section of the JSON request body (TBD).

Upgrading an AS

This operation is referred to as the changing of an AS package.

POST .../as_instances/{asInstanceId}/change_aspkg

Terminate an AS Instance

This operation terminates an AS instance.

POST .../as_instances/{asInstnaceId}/terminate (TerminateAsRequest)

Note: for PoC, GRACEFUL termination type is not supported.

Delete an AS Identifier

This operation deletes an AS Identifier.

DELETE .../as_instances/{as_instanceId}

Note: optionally, Delete an AS Identifier could clean up resources of an AS Instance, e.g., Persistent Volumes (PVs)

The Delete operation may need to update AAI.