Versions Compared


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This page provides a summary of project-by-project release updates.  

ProjectKey UpdatesBenefits
The R11 Kohn release of ONAP includes updates to the schema and edge rules.
 AAI is serving v27 as the latest version of the REST APIs, and has support for v25.

- Model updates made on the following nodes for changes to attributes or indexing, present in v27
* User Network Interfaces (uni)
* Route target
* Network Route
* Bgp neighbor
* Vpn binding
* Lag interface
* Physical interface
* Logical interface

- Edge rule changes include
* UPDATE collection > service instance edge label and multiplicity change
* ADD configuration > p-interface
* ADD collection>endpoint
* ADD collection>configuration
* ADD collection>aggregate-route
* ADD collection>parameter-list
* ADD collection>policy-key-term
* ADD collection>policy-map-member
* ADD collection>rule
* ADD collection>profile
* ADD collection>policy
* ADD collection>l3-network
* ADD collection>vpn-binding
* ADD collection>community-list
* ADD collection>object-group
* ADD p-interface>object-group
Enablement of further use cases using our updated v27 schema.

APPCNot part of the release Not part of the release

Not part of the release (Merged into Policy)



  • General
    • Added endpoint for deleting templates
    • Upgrade spring boot parent and hazelcast
      • Change of Kotlin version and other maven dependencies
  • Resource Resolution Enhancements
    • Enabled deleting resources by lastN occurrences
    • Template headers, path, and outputs mapping in the rest processor
    • The empty Output mapping means for JSON/MAP all keys and for other types extracting of primitive
    • The empty response is mapped to the value is output mapping is empty (but not null)
    • Open resolution processors for in-CBA customization
    • Improve resolution tests verification
    • Use RestProcessor for testing RestProcessor
    • Added component for deleting resources and templates
    • Fixed enrichment for multiplicated assignments
    • Fixed the transform-templating for referenced complex types
    • Creation of dynamic data-type using all workflow steps
  • Rest Clients improvements
    • Timeouts supported
    • Headerless clients creation
    • Better handling of http response without body
  • UAT testing changes
    • UatExecutor made accessible inside a CBA JUnit test
    • Registration of custom rest client for testing
    • UATExecutor support for k8sConnectionPlugin
    • SpyPostInterceptor in UatExecutor collects now all responses


  • Maintaining synchronisation state for each cm handle.
  • (Configurable) Data synchronisation for ncmp:operational datastore.
  • Notifications on cm handle state changes.
  • Asynchronous request Handling.
  • DMI cm handle Audit.
  • Performance Improvements (ongoing).
  • User can query the state of a cm handles and retrieve cm handles in a given state. 
  • Users can register (listen) for cm handle state changes.
  • Users can now control which cm handles are cached which aren't.
  • Users can execute CRUD operations asynchronously.
  • Users can find out which cm handles are managed by which DMI Plugin.

New Enhancements/Features

  • DCAEGEN2-3148 5G SON use case enhancements for Kohn release
        - CL message for ANR modified to align with A1-based flow/support
  • DCAEGEN2-3195 CCVPN Kohn Enhancements for Intent-based Cloud Leased Line and Transport Slicing
        - DCAE SDK alignment for SliceAnalysis MS & enhancing AAI interface for supporting IBN CL 
  • DCAEGEN2-3194 Maintenance and Enhancement of Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks
        - Slice Analysis Enhancement with AAI Interface/processing for CL notification
  • DCAEGEN2-3119 Helm Transformation - Post migration
    • DCAE Common Template improvements
    • Removed Cloudify and associated platform component charts 
    • Removed Consul/CBS API dependency from each DCAE MS, enabling independent config management via respective charts
  • DCAEGEN2-2975 VES 7.2.1 support for DCAE Microservices
         - TCAgen2 enhanced to support VES 7.2.1
  • DCAEGEN2-3037 AAF certificate dependency removal
        - DFC Enhanced to support additional property to disable certificates checks
  • DCAEGEN2-3030 DMAAP SDK standardization for DCAE Microservices
        - SliceAnalysis MS, SON-Handler MS switched to use DMAAP SDK


  • DCAEGEN2-3089 - Sonarcoverage improvements for DCAE components - SliceAnalysis mS, SNMPTrap, TCA-gen2, SON-Handler, KPi-MS, Mapper, RESTConf  (meeting 80% or more coverage)
  • DCAEGEN2-3209 - CII Badging improvements (Silver badge completion)
  • DCAEGEN2-3196 - Vulnerability updates for several DCAE MS (TCA-gen2, DataFileCollector, HV-VES, RESTConf, VES, Mapper, PM-Mapper, PRH, SON-handler, KPI-MS, Slice-Analysis MS, DCAE-SDK, VES OpenAPI Manager)
  • DCAEGEN2-3225 - SBOM Enablement for DCAE components  

1) Support evolution on Network Slicing, 5G SON, CCPVN & IBN usecases

2) Security enhancements addressing vulnerability updates, SBOM compliance, CII Badging improvement

3) OOM Chart simplification for DCAE project


Minor bug fixes.

Package upgrades, etc


External API FrameworkNot part of the releaseNot part of the release
  • Migrated from Dropwizard to Springboot due to vulnerability issues.
Fixed the legacy vulnerability issues that has been lasted for releases due to framework incompatibility.

deployment/noheat refactorization, fixes and updates:

  • updated Ansible, Galaxy collections and Python libs to latest versions
  • better Galaxy collections and Python libraries versions management
  • added playbook to deploy Devstack
  • added option to deploy Istio
  • ability to set arbitrary overrides file
  • added one playbook to deploy whole infrastructure (i.e. create OpenStack VMs in which Devstack, k8s and ONAP gets deployed)
  • documentation updates

LoggingNot part of the releaseNot part of the release


MSB apigateway performance improvement

Minor bug fixes.

Package upgrades, etc

Performance improvement

MusicNot part of the releaseNot part of the release

Update of Infrastructure and tools versions to improve build and deployment time, as well as fix vulnerabilities:

  • Kubernetes: 1.23.78
  • Helm: 3.8.2
  • Kubespray: 2.19 (used for automated deployment)

Initial Setup for "ONAP on ServiceMesh" deployment as basis for the London release:


OSA (SecCom)


PortalNot part of the releaseNot part of the release



SO improved flows around the CNF orchestration, CNF Upgrade, and minor bug fixes around the slicing use case.

It also includes Security and minor functional bug fixes.

In details:

  • Create multiple PNF instances in the same request
  • Support for long-running CDS process
  • Recursive orchestration Support
    • Deployment of composite service instance with sub-service instances
    • Deletion of composite service instance with sub-service instances
    • AAI relations created
    • Processing priority supported for nested services
    • Rollback scenario for Recursive orchestration
  • CNF Upgrade Workflow with Da-2 supported
    • Change of the SDC model with Helm chart
    • Config assign run before an upgrade and config deploy after
    • In k8s helm upgrade, alike operation is being run


Enhancement of NLP platform and model:

  • Add PyTorch framework to support more models (TenserFlow framework has been added since Honolulu Release).   
  • Improve the accuracy rate of intent translation with multiple models. 
  • Enhance the function of STT (speech to text).

Support general intent model and general intent interface:

  • Add intent analysis micro service in UUI. 
  • Add intent format input in UUI portal.

Use common postgresql chart instead of embedding database server.

  • Enhance NLP platform and model.
  • Provide general intent model and general intent interface to ensure that all intents(especially machine-machine intents) operate according to the same expression and process. 
  • Use a separate Postgres docker container to make the system more secure.

VIDNot part of the releaseNot part of the release

VNFRQTSNot part of the release Not part of the release
VVPNot part of the release Not part of the release

Infrastructure Improvements
