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 curl -k https://message-router.onap.svc.cluster.local:3905/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_KPI_OUTPUT/c1/g1


Follow the steps below to setup the Ransim environment:

  1. Clone the repo from : git clone
  2. Import the latest SDNC certificate into ransim

    1. Download the SDNC cacerts from browser.

    2. Import the cacert file into the directory ran-simulator/ransim/docker/config/ransim/ and name it as 'jssecacerts'.(Sample step to import shown below)

      • keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias SDNC -file <certsfile> -keystore /ransim/docker/config/ransim/jssecacerts -storepass changeit

  3. Go to the ran-simulator/ransim directory and build the project : JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ mvn clean install -P docker
  4. From docker folder, run the following after building the image locally and updating the SDNR IP address in the docker-compose file : docker-compose up
  5. Run the following command to start the RAN network slice simulation

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/ransim/api/StartRanSliceSimulation -i

    To access the logs:
    docker exec –ti ransim bash
    policy@ransim:/tmp/ransim-install$ tail -f /opt/app/policy/servers/ransim/logs/ransim-rest.log 
  6. Setup honeycomb (Refer HONEYCOMB section)
  7. You can update/add/delete data(throughput, PRBs, maxNoConns etc) in mariadb container(credentials in docker-compose file) if required before generation of PM data.
  8. Sample data to be loaded: ransim-intelligent-slicing-data.txt
  9. To view the CUCP honeycomb containers  logs:
    1. docker exec -ti cucpserver1 bash
    2. tail -f var/log/honeycomb/honeycomb.log
    3. docker exec -ti cucpserver2 bash
    4. tail -f var/log/honeycomb/honeycomb.log
  10. Check the folder(where SFTP setup is done) to view the generated PM data files.
  11. Access VES, data file collector, dmaap-dr, PM mapper, ml-prediction-ms and slice-analysis logs to verify.
  12. To manually generate PM data:
    1. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:  text/plain" http://localhost:8081/ransim/api/GenerateIntelligentSlicingPmData -i
  13. To Stop PM data:
    1. curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:  text/plain" http://localhost:8081/ransim/api/stopIntelligentSlicingPmData -i


Repo URL:

Pre-requisite: SDNC & Ransim controller should be up and running.

Build Steps:

If there is a new yang model, build the gnbsim-api with new yang model

Step 1: copy the new yang model to ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/gnbsim-api/src/main/yang
Step 2: Go to directory ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/gnbsim-api/
Step 3: Issue the build command "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip"

For code changes in gnbsim-impl directory

Step 1: Do necessary code changes in gnbsim-impl
Step 2: Issue the build command "JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip"

Once the mvn build is done, build the docker image

  1. Go to directory ~/ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim
  2. JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip
  3. Import the latest VES certificate into this directory gnbsim-distribution/ 
    1. Download certificate from VES url https://<ipAddress>30417/eventListener/v7 
    2. cd  gnbsim/gnbsim-distribution/
    3. keytool -import -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias dcae -file <certsfile downloaded from VES URL> -keystore jssecacerts -storepass changeit
    4. keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jssecacerts -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcalias dcae -destkeystore jssecacerts -deststoretype jks -deststorepass changeit -destalias dcae
  4. cp -r gnbsim-distribution/jssecacerts gnbsim-distribution/target/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT-hc/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT/
  5. cp -r gnbsim-distribution/honeycomb gnbsim-distribution/target/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT-hc/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT/
  6. cp -r gnbsim-distribution/Dockerfile gnbsim-distribution/target/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT-hc/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT/
  7. docker build -t gn gnbsim-distribution/target/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT-hc/gnbsim-distribution-1.19.08-SNAPSHOT/

Cross check the docker image
docker images | grep gn

To run the Netconf Servers:

  1. cd ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/honeycomb
  2. Update Ransim(ransimIp), honeycomb(hcIp) and VES IP address at hc/config/gnbsim.json
    1. {
        "ransimIp": "<IPAddress>",
        "ransimPort": 8081,
        "hcIp": "<IPAddress>",
        "hcPort": 2850,
        "endpoint": "ransim/RansimAgent",
        "vesEventListenerUrl": "https://<IPAddress>:30417/eventListener/v7"
  3. Update honeycomb  IP address at hc/docker-compose.yml file.
  4. Step 2(Updating IP Address in config/gnbsim.json) and Step 3(Updating IP Address in docker-compose.yml file) is repeated for all folders (hc, hc-1, cucp1, cucp2, cuup1,cuup2, du1, du2, du3, du4, du5, du6)

      2. Run the script in ran-sim/hcsim-content/gnbsim/honeycomb. (wait for all the honeycomb servers to come up)

         After execution of the above script, these servers will be mounted in SDNC(check ransim and SDNR logs if the mount request is successful for all the servers). 

         Access the restconf page to view the mounted servers: https://<WorkerVMIpAddress>:30267/apidoc/explorer/index.html

Setup SFPT:

  1. Run the below docker command in the VM where you have setup the netconf servers:

           docker run -v /home/$USER/upload:/home/$USER/sftptest/upload -p 2222:22 -d atmoz/sftp $USER:pass:1001

      2. Give chmod 777 to upload folder which will be created automatically in the home dir.