Table of Contents |
DCAE platform is microservice centric, the services (collectors and analytics interfacing with NF events) themselves can be build independently and integrated with DCAE with minimal work. However as ONAP itself requiring carrier grade level, all components has strict S3P goals and LF process to comply.
- Support Java11 (or higher) or Python 3.x (as recommended by SECCOM for targetted release) (TSC MUST HAVE)
- Code Coverage - Min 80% (DCAE MUST HAVE)
- Logging compliance to Best Practice requirement - Jakarta Best Practice Proposal for Standardized Logging Fields - v2 (old spec - - Log to be written into file and stdout (TSC MUST HAVE)
- If API's are exposed, need to conform to ONAP API Common Versioning Strategy (CVS) Guidelines
- Containers must have no more than one main process (TSC MUST HAVE)
- Containers must crash properly when a failure occurs (TSC MUST HAVE)
- No hardcoded password in the container (should be made configurable and set at deployment time and sourced using CBS apis') (TSC MUST HAVE)
Use ONAP-integration supported base image
New DCAE Microservice chart contribution should go under; all DCAE component charts should leverage oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services/common/dcaegen2-services-common templates. Refer to following link - for details on the supported features via this template.
With Kohn release, all DCAE components will be enabled for daily/weekly deployments. This is controlled by override here - New components being added under ONAP, should update this yaml for enabling automated daily/weekly deployment.
The project wiki space ( can be used to documents general design about the components itself; can serve the community to know about the component itself and point to other repo/release documentation.
- Planned/Future Updates
- List Features/stories/bugs (with JIRA's) deferred to next release
- Planned/Future Updates
CSIT - Creating a CSIT Test
Documentation - 2017-09-19 Documentation Tutorial, Further information regarding documentation can also be found here: