Please find below the Minutes of Meetings and recording for the SECCOM meeting that was held on 9th 23rd of August 2022.
Jira No | Summary | Description | Status | Solution |
Update on Unmaintained Projects task group | Unmaintained Project tg reviewing RACI matrix: Use Jira TSC epic and project/work group tasks to track the retirement of a capability (project/repos) – create template OOM contains unused/orphan code: discuss at next unmaintained projects call because it affects security and maintainability (step in the RACI matrix) DCAEMOD repos are being removed in London Test RACI process with AAF (unmaintained project) and DCAEMOD (unmaintained repos) – Muddasar will contact Vijay | ongoing | ||
Update on the Security Logging Fields and Global Requirement | Bob updated PTLs at the 8/22 PTL call DCAE will deliver logging updates in London will socialize python & javascript POCs with PTLs: May need python & js POCs Use language indicator on SonarCloud dashboard to determine programming language
| ongoing | ||
SBOM creation | dcaegen2-collectors-ves SBOM successful CPS SBOM working 4 successful project SBOMs created | ongoing | ||
Superblueprint | Update from 8/16 Super Blueprint meeting (Muddasar)
Use cases to be added, limited resources to go with E2E solution integration. Weekly meetings: Architecture: Roadmap: Requirements and Use case Advisory Group: Use cases: Use cases to be added, limited resources to go with E2E solution integration. Muddasar tasked with specifying detailed use case requirements for creating secure slices: least privilege Eric Kline performing streaming analytics on data to use in closed loop slicing automation | ongoing | Logistic from program perspective needs to be improved. | |
OOM | Ericsson OOM team is focused on the ONAP security reference implementation. Logging reference implementation is second priority work item for now. Code link was shared with SECCOM before (nordix), but not yet contributed to ONAP | |||
PTL meeting – August 22th | Short meeting (Bob attended)
| |||
TSC meeting – August 18th | No one on SECCOM call attended | |||
Pawel and Amy submitted proposal: ONAP’s Recipe for Managing CVEs and Securing Open Source Software Byung will present service descriptor and potentially new ONAP security architecture with service mesh. | ||||
LFN Developer & Testing Forum NA | Productization of Assured Opensource Software - Muddasar SBOM implementation and challenges in ONAP - Muddasar 5G orchestration with ONAP, AI and ML. - Maggie | Brian to be asked by Muddasar as co-presenter for SBOM. | ||