- Platform version updates: Andreas Geißler
- Kubespray
- Kubernetes
- Helm
- Istio, as part of Integration Chains (2.17 → 2.18)
- Kubernetes (1.21.5 → 1.22.5)
- Helm (3.6.3 → 3.7.1)
- Istio (1.10.2 → 1.13.1)
- ...
- Cassandra updates: (DT supportsteam is trying to support):
- Version update
- Use proper resource settings (flavors for testing, production,...)
- Remove AAF dependencies Fiachra Corcoran
- DMaaP
- Ingress setup setup: (SO/Ericsson)
- Ingress will be the default deployment option (via Nginx Ingress or Istio Gateway?).
- No more access via NodePort per default → need to change the charts...
- IstioGateway/VirtualService(s) creation for ServiceMesh
- Certificate creation for Ingress (in platform ?) - https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/integrations/certmanager/#:~:text=Usage-,Istio%20Gateway,as%20the%20istio%2Dingressgateway%20deployment.
- Ingress will be the default deployment option (via Nginx Ingress or Istio Gateway?).
- Service Mesh (Istio) support
- Document Istio Installation (PaaS doc)
- Create Daily SM pipeline (check with Integration Team)
- Component SM support:
- AuthorizationPolicy resources for each component ("Step 2")
- RBAC ("Step 3")
- Keycloak installation and configuration
- OOM deployment options
- Kubespray installation (DT)
- ArgoCD support
- Document "traditional" Helm installation using released charts from the Nexus repo instead of cloning the oom repo and building charts locally