S. No | Test Case | Description | Priority | Dependency/Issue | Tester | Status | Remarks | Test Details |
1 | Generate PM data | Generate closed-loop PM data in Ransim, store the XML files in VM and send VES notification |
| | | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
2 | Generate PM data | DataFileCollector reads the VES notification, fetches the PM xml file from the VM (using SFTP) and posts it in data router |
| | Malinconico Aniello Paolo | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
3 | Generate PM data | PM Mapper reads the PM file from data router, generates PM events and posts the data in the message router(uses unauthenticated topic) |
| | Malinconico Aniello Paolo | Status |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
4 | Closed Loop | Slice Analysis MS reads the message from message router(uses unauthenticated topic) and triggers Control Loop(uses CPS and AAI to fetch relevant data) action towards Policy for throughput update |
| | Malinconico Aniello Paolo | Status |
| |
colour | Yellow |
title | IN PROGRESS |
| DCAEGEN2-3145 Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
with the WA on right column, the test passes | Prerequisite: - Data should be loaded in CPS
- TBDMT templates should be preloaded
- PUT svc [AF-NF], customer, svctype into AAI
curl --location --request PUT 'https://x.y.z.v:30233/aai/v21/business/customers/customer/5GCustomer/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/5G/service-instances/service-instance/116cb42a-dca5-40c9-ab97-527f06420bf8?resource-version=1650458313745' \
--header 'X-TransactionId: 558d1874-10c5-464a-b0ee-5e275c3b48ed' \
--header 'X-FromAppId: jimmy-postman' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic QUFJOkFBSQ==' \
--data-raw '{
"service-instance-id": "116cb42a-dca5-40c9-ab97-527f06420bf8",
"service-instance-name": "an_sp_1",
"service-type": "00-000",
"service-role": "nssi",
"environment-context": "01-3C5C90",
"workload-context": "AN-NF",
"service-instance-location-id": "[\"460-00\",\"460-01\"]",
"orchestration-status": "deactivated",
"resource-version": "1650458313745",
"slice-profiles": {
"slice-profile": [
"profile-id": "878f32c0-3677-4dbd-95a3-1f01d6c763c1",
"latency": 30,
"max-number-of-UEs": 200,
"exp-data-rate-UL": 40,
"exp-data-rate-DL": 50,
"coverage-area-TA-list": "[1, 2, 3, 4]",
"resource-sharing-level": "non-shared",
"max-number-of-conns:": 3000
Lack into AAI of service instances with service-role=nssi
Gerrit Code |
5 | Closed Loop | Upon reception of CL action from Slice Analysis MS, Policy triggers SO (RAN NSSMF) for reconfiguration of RAN resources. |
| | Malinconico Aniello Paolo | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
6 | Closed Loop | Upon CL trigger from Policy, SO (RAN NSSMF) triggers SDN-R for updating the throughput per Near-RT RIC. |
| | | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
7 | Closed Loop | Upon receiving the reconfiguration trigger from SO, SDN-R(uses CPS to fetch relevant data) sends the config updates to RAN-Sim. |
| | | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | Completed |
| Prerequisite: Upload from RAN Slicing - TBDMT Templates - CPS db creation/initialization
- CPS templates
Preload the SliceProfile into ransim-honeycomb 11 [Near RTRIC]
curl -X POST "https://{{sdnc}}:30267/rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf/node=11/yang-ext:mount/ran-network:ran-network/NearRTRIC=11/attributes/sliceProfilesList=878f32c0-3677-4dbd-95a3-1f01d6c763c1" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"sNSSAI\":\"01-3C5C90\",\"maxNumberofUEs\":1000,\"latency\":20,\"uLThptPerSlice\":100,\"dLThptPerSlice\":1000,\"maxNumberofConns\":100000,\"uEMobilityLevel\":\"stationary\",\"coverageAreaList\":[\"\"],\"resourceSharingLevel\":\"Shared\"}" |
8 | Reconfigure | RAN-Sim updates DB and netconf servers. |
| | Malinconico Aniello Paolo | Status |
| |
colour | Green |
title | COMPLETED |
In the attached file you can find a demo about the Control Loop features that encopasses the above test list
View file |
name | Onap Control loop v5-mute-final.avi |
height | 250 |
Smart Intent Guarantee based on Closed-loop integration test