- 2/4/2022 - Recording not available
- Attendees: Toine, Amy Z, Muddasar, Bob H, Byung
- 2/11/2022
- Attendees:
- Recording: video1168149182.mp4, audio1168149182.m4a
- 2/18/2022
- Meeting Canceled
- 2/25/2022
- Recordings: video1165099769.mp4, audio1165099769.m4a
- 3/4/202
- Recordings: video1007532139.mp4, audio1007532139.m4a
- 4/8/2022
- Robert Heinemann Sourabh Sourabh Toine Siebelink Muddasar Ahmed Met to discuss progress on Security Logging Fields POC in CPS. Meeting The meeting was not recorded.
- Add ordering to fields. Added Order Column to tables
- 4/27/2022
- Robert Heinemann Sourabh Sourabh Toine Siebelink Ajay Deep Singh Met and discussed log output type and integration with logging collection architecture. The meeting was not recorded. Group agreed that a JSON format would be good to use. This was easier to implement with the logging library being used in CPS. The changed change was just adding an appender to logback,xml. In addition, the fluentid software used in the logging collection architecture handles the JSON format. Group decided that this was a good approach to continue with the POC. Ajay Deep Singh has committed code regarding the logging architecture POC. A demo of the POC will be given in 1 - 2 weeks from today.
General feedback is that the first iteration of these fields were focused on transactional events. However there are other logging situations that are not transactional such as debug / informational logging. So, some of the tweaks below are to make the fields fit a more general case.