- Got to msb https://{{master server ip}}:30284/iui/microservices/default.html
- Select "Service Discover" from left panel
- Click "Service Register" button
- ADD the following info:
Service Name: aai-business
Url: /aai/v13/business
Protocol: REST
Enable SSL to True
Version: v13
Load balancer: round-robin
Visualranfe: InSystem - Add host:
AAI service ip and port (8443)
- ADD the following info:
- Save all
3. SO Database Update
Insert ORCHESTRATION_URI into service_recipe, SERVICE_MODEL_UUID replaced by CST.ModelId.
unzip policies.zip |
- The service name given for creating the policy must match with the service name in the request
- The scope fields in the policies should match with the value in the resourceSharingLevel(non-shared/shared). Do modify the policy accordingly.
- Check the case of the attributes with the OOF request with the attribute map (camel to snake and snake to camel) in config/slicing_config.yaml, if any mismatch found modify the attribute map accordingly.
You need to restart the OOF docker container once you updated the slicing_config.yaml, you can do it using the following steps,
- Login to the worker VM where the OOF container is running. You can find the worker node by running (kubectl get pods -n onap -o wide | grep dev-oof)
- Find the container using docker ps | grep optf-osdf
- Restart the container using docker restart <container id>
6. Internal CORE NSSMF Simulator