- Gervais-Martial Ngueko Review of SABRES POC requirements based on latest Network Slicing use case discussions
- Can we use this POC to support some capabilities required for Fixed Wireless Access ?
- High Level Requirements update (ppt) Gervais-Martial Ngueko
- Any feedback from 5G Super Blueprint (3/29) - New time (Vote in Progress)
- EMCO will present their "Network Slicing" solution during the next meeting April 5th, 2022
- Yogendra Pal - is there any request/issue you are facing with ONAP as part of 5G SBP integration?
- LFN 5G SBG Minutes Notes - Meeting 03-29-22 - 5G SBP Off-Week Working Group Meeting
- Please vote your schedule preference - https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-enterprise/message/71 - Thank You
Agenda - @7:30 am PST or 8.30 am PST (vote in progress)