- 2/4/2022 - Recording not available
- Attendees: Toine, Amy Z, Muddasar, Bob H, Byung
- 2/11/2022
- Attendees:
- Recording: video1168149182.mp4, audio1168149182.m4a
- 2/18/2022
- Meeting Canceled
- 2/25/2022
- Recordings: video1165099769.mp4, audio1165099769.m4a
- 3/4/202
- Recordings: video1007532139.mp4, audio1007532139.m4a
General feedback is that the first iteration of these fields were focused on transactional events. However there are other logging situations that are not transactional such as debug / informational logging. So, some of the tweaks below are to make the fields fit a more general case.