- Download this Helm Package for core simulators deployments instead of helm charts provided in this 5GC Instantiation and Modify Config flow through CDS instantiation. (Updated the helm charts with simulator docker images: lttscoresimulators/amf_simulator:v1.5, lttscoresimulators/smf_simulator:v1.5, lttscoresimulators/upf_simulator:v1.5) . After downloading Helm charts, update your DCAE-VES Collector IP, Port & required granularity_period (granularity period value should be in seconds) under values.yaml in all the helm charts of AMF, SMF & UPF.
- Use the same CBA package provided in the 5GC instantiation flow and continue the design and deployment steps for core-simulators instantiations as CNF's. Then navigate to https://github.com/onap/ccsdk-cds/tree/master/components/model-catalog/blueprint-model/service-blueprint/5GC_Simulator_CNF_CDS and download the updated kotlin scripts and vtl files as the ones from the CBA package no longer work raw.
- AMF/SMF/UPF Simulators will start simulating the PM Data for all the active S-NSSAI's and sends the fileReady notification to VES-Collector based on the granularity period.
- PM files of respective simulators are saved under the SFTP user directory. (i.e. /data/admin/pm_directory/ )