PUT /v2/acm/putToscaInstantiationStateChange
<to uri="direct:put-tosca-instantiation"/>
return: java.lang.String
- clamp runtime: for each end point clamp calls a method to log description of the endpoint (e.g. "Create Loop" and "Successful" when finished) and to insert into MDC "X-ONAP-RequestID", "X-ONAP-InvocationID" and "X-ONAP-PartnerName"
- clamp runtime acm: using RequestResponseLoggingFilter filter class we can log the url (e.g. "POST /v2/loop/create/{loopName}?templateName={templateName}" and "Successful" when finished) and insert into MDC "X-ONAP-RequestID", "X-ONAP-InvocationID" and "X-ONAP-PartnerName"