The structure and format of an ASD package shall conform to the TOSCA Simple Profile YAML v1.1 or v1.3 Specification of the CSAR format. The zip file format shall conform to Document Container Format File
- CSAR format with TOSCA-Metadata directory, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.1.2, with the differences that the following TOSCA.meta file keynames extensions are optional:
- ETSI-Entry-Change-Log
- ETSI-Entry-Tests
- ETSI-Entry-Licenses
Non-MANO artifact sets, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.3.7
Registered non-MANO artifact keywords can be reused, to avoid duplication
Package and artifacts security, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004 ed431 section 5 and 4.3.6
- Package manifest file, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.3.2, with new manifest metadata proposed in the following table: