The content of this template is expected to be fill out for M1 Release Planning Milestone.
- Upgrade postgresql - USECASEUI-4052 components in one Docker 处理中
- Modify UUI certificates USECASEUI-594 - UUI certificates are not correct
- Modify returning coverageAreaTAList for AN slice profile USECASEUI-618 - Fix issue in returning coverageAreaTAList for AN slice profile
Describe the use case this release is targeted for (better if reference to customer requirements).
- Network Services without Perception for Users based on IBN REQ-1075.
- Display CCVPN Network Topology and Tunnel Installation in R10 REQ-1103.
Minimum Viable Product
Usecase-UI will include the necessary subcomponents supporting the primary objectives: supporting the use cases and meeting platform maturity goals.
Testing and Integration Plans
Usecase UI HonoluluJakarta - Functional Test Cases
This section is used to document a limitation on a functionality or platform support. We are currently aware of this limitation and it will be delivered in a future Release.
List identified release gaps (if any), and its impact.