CCVPN / IBN will have code impact on DCAE; monitor AAI attribute change for bandwidth changes and create CL event to Policy.
Triggered via VES event flow (how to handle the event); data collector is SDNC (perf with bandwidth event), SliceAnalysis(?) will monitor and trigger CL
IBN CL flow
Triggered via bandwidth cl via AAI notification (similar to pmsh)
DCAE MS impact assessment need further discussion; options discussed.
Slice-analysis could be enhanced to support AAI interface - Dev to be supported by Huawei and China Telecom for IBN related
Ahila/Wipro team suggesting ML/MS could be used for IBN usecase support
ML MS (prediction) can be candidate for DCAE inclusion; to be finalized based on additional impact any for supporting the CCVPN/IBN usecase
Action Item: Ahila P / Henry Yu to sync-up and finalize usecase DCAE impacts/flows to be supported for J release. Propose finalized plan for meeting
Review GR and BP approved for Jakarta & DCAE impact
Global Requirement
REQ-441/REQ-1070 - Log to std out/err - No new impact (healthcheck and SNMPtrap collector addressed for J release). SNMPTRap container pending to be released.
REQ-1073 - Integration base image - Impact for VESCollector/RestConf/SliceAnalysis
Bulk-PM testsuite almost ready for re-enabled in gating (to be worked with Morgan/Michal)
CMPv2 will be next followed by DCAE-MOD
-- Deferred to next meeting –
Discuss DCAE transformation planned items for J release - DCAEGEN2-2773
Switch components to latest SDK version
OOM charts updates to disable Cloudify/handlers (CBS may be exception depending on above item)
Iteration 1 (once OOM branching is done)- Disable all cloudify/handlers under dcaegen2
Iteration 2 (M3/Jakarta)- Move VESOpenAPI and CBS? to dcaegen2-services
Integration testsuite migration
Helm flow support through MOD
DMaap Provisioning optimization
Pub/sub credential handling alignment - OKAY to proceed
Topic/Feed cleanup on undeploy -
Topic cleanup to be split into separate Jira and assessed later ; Feed cleanup OKAY to proceed. (Impacted by AAF removal, Strimzi Operator introduction)
Review - DCAEGEN2-2774DCAE MS SVC template enhancement - Deferred to K release
Any new usecase/MS demanding these features for J release (otherwise Jira will be moved to backlog)
Fiachra Corcoran indicated DMAAP team looking to build a standardized library for Strimzi/Kakfa migration across ONAP components- to be confirmed in few weeks. Will hold on DCAE SDK standardization efforts across DCAE MS for time-being.
PM-Mapper migration for switching to unauthenticated topic to be targetted for J release (SDK DMAAP integration is optional, but preferred). To bo be discussed with Former user (Deleted) / Former user (Deleted) to finalize plan.
SliceAnalysis/KPI-MS will remain on Cambri lib and will subscribe to PM_Mapper unauthenticated topic
Any solution to provision unauthenticated topic/client in DMAAP MR currently part of ONAP deployment?
Currently most of unauthenticated topics (used by DCAE MS) are created on the fly (i.e during first event published). However this causes an issue for MS Client/consumer as they miss the first event (as client gets registered in kafka only after topic is created). This may be required for BulkPM Testsuite/SliceAnalysis/KPI-MS when PM_Mapper is switched to unauthenticated topic.
Assess if DMAAP SDK client lib can be adapted to support Strimzi/Kafka and used as common target library
HV_VES currently uses direct kafka interfaces; suggestion on how this should be handled part of Strimizi/Kafka migration - if any recommendation on the library to be used or change HV_VES kafka api's directly?
Other ONAP features/changes with DCAE impacts for Jakarta
Pub/sub API change - may need to integrate with new SDK provided by DMAAP team; all DCAE MS will have impact to align with new SDK.
SDK client lib need to have backward compatibility with MR (controlled via ENV/deployment property)
Mapping service - Alternate solution proposed by Fiachra Corcoran /DMAAP team could be candidate solution; avoid technology dependency and can be handled generic across all MS without much impact
Provisioning API will change - DCAE helm template job MR provisioning template/scripts to be revisited under Strimzi/Operator
SNMPTrap and Heartbeat MS already updated through black and black check integrated into builds
EPIC DCAEGEN2-2994 (trial use of the black formatting and pylint checking tools on python code) created to update DCAE components for black integration
Topics/Demos' for future meetings
<Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready>
TBD - Demo for DCAE MOD Helm flow support - Vijay Kumar