- filebeat: is in the template: Jack Lucass Maciej Wereski
- https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services/common/dcaegen2-services-common/templates/_deployment.tpl#L371-L388
- this lines should be replaced by {{ include "common.log.sidecar" . | nindent 6 }}
- Maciej Wereski will take a look and reach Jack Lucas if any question
- filebeat: is in the template: Jack Lucass Maciej Wereski
- The Makefiles are not aligned with the other ones
- Andreas Geißler will investigate and propose a review
- Move to Helm API v2: Fiachra Corcoran
- [GLOBAL] Migrate to helm v3 | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/124842
- merged!
- [GLOBAL] Migrate to helm v3 | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/124842
- Service Mesh:
- SDC: Othman Touijer Sylvain Desbureaux
- made it work on Monday!
- [SDC] Service Mesh Compliance for SDC | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/122426
- to be reviewed
- policy: Gareth Roper
- knowledge transfer has been done
- https seems to be ok to be turned off and same for certificates
- Bell Canada is able to do that already in their labs
- should be "simple" to do
- service account: portal and aaf still not working
- SDC: Othman Touijer Sylvain Desbureaux
- Common databases: no work done these last weeks
- move to gitlab: Sylvain Desbureaux
- [GLOBAL] Move to Gitlab | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/126150
- final Istanbul work:
- create release artifact
- job launched for the first time: https://jenkins.onap.org/view/oom/job/oom-istanbul-release-helm/1/consoleFull
- but nothing in the repo
- ticket is created https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/theme/portal/2/IT-23362
- create release artifact
- mongodb PVC issueJakarta:upgrade common components: Andreas Geißler
- PVC mapping is not done on the right folder for Mongo
- [COMMON] Changed mongo storage location to enable persistance | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/125076
- issue with the patch:
- fsGroup is not good and mongo doesn't own the folder
- need to apply https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/common/mariadb-galera/templates/statefulset.yaml#L38-L57 on top
- Jakarta:
- move to helm 3.7: Andreas Geißler Sylvain Desbureaux
- cm-push vs push: in helm 3.7 "push" word is used by helm and so helm-push plugin has been renamed to helm cm-push
- need to rewrite all our Makefile
- 2 options:
- helm-cm-push only compatibilty
- allow to have both helm-cm-push and helm-push compability
- issue with template _utils.tpl (https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_utils.tpl)
- https://github.com/onap/oom/blob/master/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_utils.tpl#L36-L41
- see how to make it work again on 3.7
- cm-push vs push: in helm 3.7 "push" word is used by helm and so helm-push plugin has been renamed to helm cm-push
- upgrade Azure kubernetes services: Sylvain Desbureaux
- we're using 1.19 and we have issue with mariadb on 1.20
- will remove one of the gate and retry and try to make it work on 1.21 or 1.22
- use standard charts for databases
- work of LF intern: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/q/owner:ahmadse2022%2540gmail.com
- when external:
- give a link + (user / password (and we create a secret for that)) or a secret (in onap ns) with user / password
- when internal: same but with default values linked to the created DB instance
- upgrade common components:
- [COMMON][MONGO] Bump Mongo to latest 4.x version | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/126103
- [COMMON][MARIADB] Bump version to 10.6.5 | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/oom/+/126101
- move to helm 3.7: Andreas Geißler Sylvain Desbureaux