The structure and format of an O-RAN ASD package shall conform to the TOSCA Simple Profile YAML v1.1 Specification of the CSAR format. The zip file format shall conform to Document Container Format File
- CSAR format with TOSCA-Metadata directory, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.1.2, with the differences that the following TOSCA.meta file keynames extensions are optional:
- ETSI-Entry-Change-Log
- ETSI-Entry-Tests
- ETSI-Entry-Licenses
Non-MANO artifact sets, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.3.7
Registered non-MANO artifact keywords can be reused, to avoid duplication
Package and artifacts security, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004 ed431 section 5 and 4.3.6
- Package manifest file, specified in ETSI NFV SOL004ed431 section 4.3.2, with new manifest metadata proposed in the following table: