- The official Argo CD page:
- So Argo CD helps us, doing GitOPs, but what is GitOPs, and basically why is it important, was perfectly answered by Cornelia Davis
- A more recent recorded version of that talk exists as well:
- GitOps Is Likely More Than You Think It Is (only 21 views, I was one of them). Both talks are 99% similar, but the first one is more on point.
- The slides of the two talks can be found here:
- https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/kccncna20/39/GitOpsIsMoreThanYouThink.pdf
- Remark:
- Show slide 3 - What is GitOps
- Show slide 17 - Decouple CI from CD
- Argo CD - a tool for CD, but what says the CNCF Landscape about it.
CNCF Landscape - Continuous Integration & Delivery
There are at least 44 tools regarding CI & CD. (checked )
Why Argo and not Flux
And consider: CNCF - The Trail Map