Raw Material (Presentations)
1.1.1 Evolving from VNFs to CNFs
1.1.2 ONAP as a CNFO
- Hybrid services CNF/VNF/PNF, leveraging open-source
and standards- Support Greenfield and Brownfield environment
- E.g., CNF on bare-metal, CNF on VM, VNF on VM, PNF
- Day 0/1/2 configuration
- Not just infrastructure orchestration
- Configuration and Update
- Standard alignment (ETSI, 3GPP) and beyond (ASD)
- Evolve existing investment, no need to start from scratch
- Common Infrastructure for model/package onboarding, design and distribution
- Support both ETSI-Aligned and Cloud Native Orchestration
- 5G slicing use case – 3GPP compliant
1.2 ONAP as a Cloud Native application
TODO: Break digram into two sections.
1.2.1 Relationship with SDOs
- ReadTheDocs (including "API documentation", usage, etc.)
- Wiki
- vFW use case - https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-integration/en/istanbul/docs_vFW_CNF_CDS.html
- TODO: Add pointer to the latest release notes
Developer section
- documentation
- Jira items in progress for the current release