- Broadcast message: a message for all participants (participantId=null and participantType=null)
- Message to a participant: a message only for a participant (participantId and participantType properly filled)
- ThreadPoolExecutor: ThreadPoolExecutor executes the given task, into SupervisionAspect class is configured to execute tasks in ordered manner, one by one
- Spring Scheduling: into SupervisionAspect class, the @Scheduled annotation invokes "schedule()" method every "runtime.participantParameters.heartBeatMs" milliseconds with a fixed delay
- MessageIntercept: "@MessageIntercept" annotation is used into SupervisionHandler class to intercept "handleParticipantMessage" method calls using spring aspect oriented programming
- GUI: graphical user interface, Postman or a Front-End Application
Design of a creation of a Control Loop Type
Monitoring is designed to process the follow operations:
- to determinate of determine the next startPhase in a CONTROLLOOP_UPDATE message
- to upgrade update CL state: in a scenario that CL state are "ControlLoop.state" is in kind of transitional state (example UNINITIALISED2PASSIVE), if all CL-elements are moved properly to the specific state, the CL "ControlLoop.state" will be upgrade to that and save to DB
- to retry CONTROLLOOP_UPDATE/CONTROL_LOOP_STATE_CHANGE messages. if there is a CL Element not in the proper state, it will retry a broadcast message
- to retry PARTICIPANT_UPDATE message to the participant in a scenario that CL-runtime do not receive PARTICIPANT_UPDATE_ACT from it
- to send PARTICIPANT_STATUS_REQ to the participant in a scenario that CL-runtime do not receive PARTICIPANT_STATUS from it