MirrorMaker is a stand-alone tool for copying data between two Apache Kafka clusters. It is a Kafka consumer and producer hooked together. Data is read from topics in the origin cluster and written to a topic with the same name in the destination cluster. You can run many such mirroring processes to increase throughput and for fault-tolerance
DMaaP Message Router offers the following REST API to create a mirror maker process, update a mirror maker process etc.
Mirror Maker
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POST /mirrormakers/create This API will create a Mirror Maker. Required AAF Permissions : org.onap.dmaap.mr.mirrormaker|*|admin Request Payload:Parameter Name | Req'd | |
createMirrorMaker | Y | Mirror Maker Request Object | name | Y | Unique Name for the MirrorMaker A-Z 1-0 only | consumer | Y | Consumer hostname/IP Address | producer | Y | Producer hostname/IP Address | numStreams | Optional | Number of consumer threads to start. (If not provided default is 1) | whitelist | Optional | Topic names to be whitelisted. This can be provided later using createWhitelist API | enablelogCheck | Optional |
Enable error log monitoring on the MirrorMaker thread. Default values is False. If not provided error log is not monitored. |
{ "createMirrorMaker": { "name": "centraltoedge", "consumer": "", "producer": "", "numStreams": "3", "whitelist": "org.onap.dmaap.mr.mrtesttopic", "enablelogCheck": "true" } }
Response Payload:{ "listMirrorMaker": { "name": "centraltoedge", "producer": "", "whitelist": "org.onap.dmaap.mr.mrtesttopic", "enablelogCheck": true, "consumer": "", "status": "RESTARTING", "numStreams": 3 } }
Error Messages: Error Reson | Error Message |
No AAF Mirror Maker Admin permission | No Mirror Maker Admin permission. | Creating new MirrorMaker with existing MirrroMaker name | MirrorMaker <MM Name> already exists | Incorrect payload | This is not a CreateMirrorMaker request. Please try again. | Consumer field/value missing | Please provide Consumer host:port details | Producer field/value missing | Please provide Producer host:port details | Incorrect naming convention | Mirror Maker name can only contain alpha numeric | Incorrect JSONIncorrect JSON object. | Incorrect JSON object.Could not parse JSON. Please correct the JSON format and try again. | If Mirror Maker agent is down or it takes more than (right now it is configured 15 seconds) | listMirrorMaker is not available, please make sure MirrorMakerAgent is running |
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POST /mirrormakers/deletewhitelist This API removes a topic from whitelist. AAF permissions required: org.onap.dmaap.mr.mirrormaker|*|user , org.onap.dmaap.mr.topicFactory|:org.onap.dmaap.mr.topic:org.onap.dmaap.mr|create Request Payload:Parameter Name | Req'd | Description |
name | Y | Mirror Maker name | namespace | Y | a namespace | whitelistTopicName | Y | a topic name that contains only alpha numeric value |
{ "name":"centraltoedge", "namespace":"org.onap.dmaap.mr", "whitelistTopicName":"org.onap.dmaap.mr.mrtesttopic2" } Response Payload:{ "listMirrorMaker": [ { "name": "centraltoedge", "producer": "", "whitelist": "org.onap.dmaap.mr.mrtesttopic", "enablelogCheck": true, "consumer": "", "status": "RESTARTING", "numStreams": 3 } ], }
Error Messages:Error Reason | Error Message |
No AAF Mirror Maker User permission | No Mirror Maker User permission. | No AAF Mirror Maker User Create permission | No Mirror Maker User Create permission. | Incorrect JSON | Incorrect JSON object.Could not parse JSON. Please correct the JSON format and try again. | Request contain topic does not exist | The topic does not exist. | If Mirror Maker agent is down or it takes more than (right now it is configured 15 second) | listWhiteList is not available, please make sure MirrorMakerAgent is running | Incorrect payload | This is not a DeleteAllWhitelist request. Please try again. |
1) Topic partitions must be same in both producer and consumer Kafka clusters
2) For better performance numStreams should match to the topic partitions