- Admin
- Lab status
- Data provider repo creation - under review https://gerrit.linuxfoundation.org/infra/c/releng/info-master/+/68853
- Istanbul
- Openstack/Kubernetes supported version, shall we precise, shall we plan tests (with which resources?)
- Openstack - need to be precised
- MSB K8S - helm packages <= 3.5, could be higher version if not any 3.5+ featue is used
- Integration of CPS test in CI Morgan Richomme
- CPS tests require newer version of Robot library (Python 3 based, where we currently use Python 2 based one)
- Istanbul
- Morgan Richomme provide a change https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/integration/xtesting/+/124428 where CPS tests are going to be executed using separate image (with Python 3.X)
- Jakarta
- robot tests should be migrated to use newer Robot library (Python 3 based) so CPS tests could be executed with the rest of the robot tests
- Openstack/Kubernetes supported version, shall we precise, shall we plan tests (with which resources?)
- Jakarta
- Vijay Kumar DCAE plan to drop cloudify packages support at the begging of Jakarta
- Krzysztof Kuzmicki already working on the tests migration to use helm charts
- there is a risk that tests start failing because of that. We need:
- migrate tests to use helm charts before cloudify support ends
- remove from testsuite tests that use cloudify
- the second opiton can be chosen only if the migration cannot take place
- the team has an idea to create a place where users can share problems they encountered while working with onap and solutions
- using mailing lists is inconvenient
- users could also share an ideas and solutions which are already used by them, that could help sharing a knowledge
- needs to be discussed with doc team Thomas Kulik Eric Debeau / other PTLs
- Bartek Grzybowski mention about https://gerrit.onap.org/r/admin/repos/oom/offline-installer repo where many useful tools are
- Vijay Kumar DCAE plan to drop cloudify packages support at the begging of Jakarta
- Admin
- archiving of integration repositories...if no activity since ...1 year? - report created by Morgan Richomme
- Repositories which are going to be archived short list - need to be discussed via mailing list
- archiving of integration repositories...if no activity since ...1 year? - report created by Morgan Richomme
- Istanbul
- CPS: demo on staging Azure by Aditya Puthuparambil (evaluation complexity for CI integration in Istanbul) Morgan Richomme
- looks it could be used as an integration test "healthcheck" category if it won't use docker-compose but real CPS instance
- review David's JIRA
- many of tasks can be closed (some of them were already closed by David)
- Data provider demo Piotr Stanior
View file name data_provider.pptx height 250 - DT is going to release that tool to ONAP's gerrit
- Robot pod deprecation
- DT tests are executed with disabled robot - let's check the results in one week
- CPS: demo on staging Azure by Aditya Puthuparambil (evaluation complexity for CI integration in Istanbul) Morgan Richomme
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- Honolulu
- demo 5g-core-nf simu (praveen v ) 20'
- demo ORAN A1-based Closed Loop (Konrad Bańka ) 20' A1 Policy Enforcement PoCv1.pptx
- demo stability test launcher (Natacha Chéreau )10'
- AoB
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Meeting ended Wed Feb 10 17:02:15 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.html
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.txt
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_10_2_2021.2021-02-10-16.44.log.html
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- new repo follow-up
- Honolulu
- demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
- discussion on simulators
- simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.html
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.txt
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_27_01_2021.2021-01-27-17.29.log.html
- Action point follow-up
- Admin
- new repo follow-up
- new Real time support channel: slack (already exists), publick rocket chat, mattermost, ....
- Honolulu
- demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
- discussion on simulators
- simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
- CSIT redesign updates (Lasse Kaihlavirta)
- stability/resiliency testing (Natacha Chéreau )
- Update on Tern tests (Former user (Deleted) )
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.html
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.txt
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_20_01_2021.2021-01-20-16.06.log.html
- demo tests DataFileCollector (Krzysztof Gajewski ) 10'
- Guilin Maintenance Release
- Preparation vEvent
- AoB
(16:26:02) collab-meetbot: Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.html
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text): http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.txt
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Log: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/onap-int/2021/integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021/onap-int-integration_weekly_meeting_13_1_2021.2021-01-13-14.51.log.html