Run docker container using this command once the A1-enabled Controller and simulators have been fully started and optionally set the logging level to trace (the curl command will not work until the container is fully up and running).
The configuration, application_configuration.json, of the controller and rics must be mounted as a volume to the container.Code Block language bash $ docker run -p 8081:8081 --network=nonrtric-docker-net --name=policy-agent-container --volume <Absolute path to application_configuration.json created above>:/opt/app/policy-agent/data/application_configuration.json onap/ccsdk-oran-a1policymanagementservice:1.32.02-SNAPSHOT
Code Block language bash $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/actuator/loggers/org.onap.ccsdk.oran.a1policymanagementservice -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d {\"configuredLevel\":\"trace\"}
Once the Policy Management Service is up and running, it establishes connections to all configured Near-RT RICs (ric1 and ric2) via the A1 Controller.
If the policy-agent-container is configured to log at trace level, the following logs entries should appear indicating that connection to the configured RICs has been established successfully via A1 Controller.