Versions Compared


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Workflow for the pilot to be prepared by Muddasar.

Current status:

  • Current level of 60%
  • Achieve 100% levelwith TERN treated as informative
  • Follow exception process if relevant
  • Java/Python version status (8/30)

    • Adoption of Java 11 and Python 3 is good
      • Java: 70/79 containers are Java 11 only (89%)
      • Python: 38/46 container are Python 3 only (83%)
    • Adoption of recommended version via the Integration team base images not good
      • Number of Java 11 versions: 7
      • Recommended Java version 11.0.11 usage: 4/79 containers (5%)
      • Number of Python 3 versions: 14
      • Recommended Python version 3.9.5 usage: 0/46 containers (0%)
      • Acceptable Python version 3.8.10+ usage: 11/46 containers (24%)
    • Recommendation: Project teams evaluate Java/Python recommended versions at M2
    • Next steps: Present recommendation to PTL, Architecture, and TSC
    • Mudassar will present CycloneDX findings at 7 Sept meeting

    Maggie could provide some inputs.

    Jira No
    SummaryDescriptionStatusSolutionLast TSC meeting
    • M3: delayed one week until 2 September
      • Jenkins availability problems prior to 8/24
      • Goal was 85% of epics closed for projects – 80% closed on 8/24
    • M4: remains 16 September
    • REQ-760: IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack - Global Requirement (all code)
      • Chaker will do an architecture review and get alignment among Damian, Timo, Chaker, et al
    • Use of integration team base images
      • Java/Python version tests show use of the integration team base images is low
      • Integration team base image will be proposed a Best Practice for Jakarta
    • TSC voted to approve the OOM GitLab POC using CLA validation demonstrated by Krzysztof O until EasyCLA supports GitLab
    • LFNGB special meeting on 8/25
      • Reviewed LFN priorities for 2021-2022
    • ONESummit (11-12 October) - virtual only
    ongoingLast PTLs meeting

    Finally executed, but SECCOM message remains:

    • -Confirmed that vnfsdk-ves-agent is not used

    ongoingto close tickets for projects not participating in Istanbul release - done.

    Software BOMs, Hardware BOMs - Muddasar

    We follow PoC idea - first we take a look at the CI/CD pipeline, collect the data and store it as we want it., who is the consumer in ONAP framework, we will have to select one of three formats discussed during the last session.  

    • 26/8 with Jess
    • Sonatype will provide CycloneDX in next release
    • Sonatype License allows creation of SBOM
      • Confirm if LF license include CycloneDX capabilities
      • Generate file and make available via gerrit/github
    ongoingSeccom criteria for the integration tests to pass a releaseongoing

    Security Risk Assessment and Acceptance – revisit Brian’s statement

    To be discussed next week.

    CII Badging update - Tony

    Progress in the applications.

    Review results at 31 August meeting





    M3 update

    Java upgrades - good progress.

    Python good progress as well.

    Packages upgrades - very good progress - 16 tickets closed already - vulnerabilities removed: 679/776 (based on tickets). Still some pprojects that did some upgrades but no update on the restricted Wiki.

    New Sonatype function to filter direct vs. transitive dependencies.

    Weak cryptography and injection items - excellent progress. There are still few there open (projects no longer maintained - e.g. Portal).  

    For Jakarta, few other items that SonarCloud highlights - Jira tickets to be written for those (blocking and critical). 


    To be checked if we have waivers for all remaining ticktets.

    PTLs meeting shall address the gaps on the restricted Wiki.

    Projects with open status on their Jira tickets to be elaborated.

    Will Portal be excluded from ONAP future releases? - Byung to investigate.

    Software BOMs

    Documentation review - nexus account  manager contacted. It is part of Nexus product lifecycle licence (cyclone DX format). APIs for info extraction to be checked.

    Access to Nexus-IQ server - what group shall be used for that - REST API calls are possible now - will be used for SW BOMs.


    Logging requirements

    Almost 50% of the metadata fields defined - good progress.

    In some of the GitHub repos md (markdown) files with good description for logging - SO is a good example. 


    Dependency confusion attacks vs. ONAP SW build process

    No updates on the Wiki...

    Bob will work this week and trying to check filtering rules with Jess for this type of threat. 


    Bob to contact Jess.

    Logging requirement - update from Friday's meeting

    Long Format overview by Robert Heinemann

    • Overview of the updated log event and metadata requirements
    • Details here
    • Log level, log verbosity, event severity
    • Leveraging VNF security requirements, deprecated Logging project requirements, AT&T doc “ONAP Logging Guidelines”
    • Wrap up the event work in September to get requirements into the Jakarta release (Best Practice)
    • No meeting on 3/9, next meeting 10/9

    Meetings held Friday at 4PM CET

    OOM feedback to be collected on K8s and Docker coexistance.. Byung to send an e-mail to Krzysztof and Sylvain.

    Logs consumption

    Context delivery for the logs by tagging. Currently we are focusing on logs generation and collection but later will will have to cover processing. APIs availability to bring the data back in to make an action.

    Lot o data collected in DCAE, decision can be taken outside of ONAP system.

    ongoingLFN Security Group – focus, outcomes, contributions

    Kick-off meeting scheduled on 18th of August.

    • ONAP story and security requirements for normalization
    • HTTPs enablement on interfaces (service to service) but sidecar to service container is http based. (reference: ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Architecture)
    • Encrypted protocols
    • Events logged by ONAP itself, so security health of ONAP could be monitored by operator
    • Robert Heinemann will contribute the ONAP vulnerability management process
    ongoingDefault setting for software configuration to be reviewed i.e. TCP window x, autonegotiate network parameters by default.Bob had exchanges with Jess on filtering rules and dependencies management software.on holdTo be further elaborated with Samuli.

    Security Risk Assessment and Acceptance Excel table that was initially prepared 3 years ago to be shared and reviewed at the next SECCOM, frameworks to be reviewed as well (MIST and ISO).ongoing

    Feature request templateAlla leading ONAP Requirements Subcommittee to be contacted to provide details.ongoingMuddasar to be introduced to Alla by Pawel.

    Last TSC meeting
    • TSC Voted to approve M3, 90% issues closed due to good progres
    • 16th of September for M4 gating
    • Jakarta relese and timeline discussed
    • Michal Jagiello – new PTL for integration

    Code quality updateStatus to be checked, there were some exchanges with Thierry and Jess.ongoingSlide to be presented to next PTLs meeting.

    Last PTLs meeting

    Meeting was cancelled (Labor day in US)

    ongoingslot to be booked for the next PTLs meeting.

    CADI and AAF replacementDCAE and DMaaP communication - new proposal to be presented today at the Architecture Subcommittee.ongoingByung  to present update for the next SECCOM


    M3 update - waivers review

    Software BOMs

    Logging requirements update

    Security Risk Assessment and Acceptance – revisit Brian’s statementreview frameworks and old excel file

    Dependency confusion attacks vs. ONAP SW build process - synch with Samuli

    Code quality update

    CADI and AAF replacement


    View file

    SECCOM presentation:

    View file
    name2021-09-07 ONAP Security Meeting - AgendaAndMinutes_v2.pptx