High Level Proposal of Work to be done
- Call dmi–plugin rest endpoint to retrieve all modules on new node (depends
CPS-483 and CPS-531) - Call CPS-Core rest endpoint to get all existing modules in cps-core (depends CPS-506)
- Calculate difference (delta)
- Call dmi–plugin rest endpoint to retrieve missing modules
CPS-483 - Add missing modules to cps-core to anchor (cm handle) (depends CPS-508)
Implementation Proposal
Within the DMI plugin there is a method where cm handles are sent to a registration method in NCMP.
From: DmiServiceImpl.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(final String jsonData) To: NetworkCmProxyController.updateDmiPluginRegistration()
Code Block |
language | java |
title | Dmi Plugin Service |
collapse | true |
public void registerCmHandles(final List<String> cmHandles) {
final CmHandleOperation cmHandleOperation = new CmHandleOperation();
final List<CreatedCmHandle> createdCmHandleList = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String cmHandle: cmHandles) {
final CreatedCmHandle createdCmHandle = new CreatedCmHandle();
final String cmHandlesJson;
try {
cmHandlesJson = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(cmHandleOperation);
} catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
log.error("Parsing error occurred while converting cm-handles to JSON {}", cmHandles);
throw new DmiException("Internal Server Error.",
"Parsing error occurred while converting given cm-handles object list to JSON ");
final ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity = ncmpRestClient.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(cmHandlesJson);
if (!(responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED)) {
throw new CmHandleRegistrationException(responseEntity.getBody());
} |
Code Block |
language | java |
title | DMI Plugin REST |
collapse | true |
* Register a cmHandle with NCMP using a HTTP call.
* @param jsonData json data
* @return the response entity
public ResponseEntity<String> registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(final String jsonData) {
final var ncmpRegistrationUrl = buildNcmpRegistrationUrl();
final var httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
httpHeaders.setBasicAuth(cpsProperties.getAuthUsername(), cpsProperties.getAuthPassword());
httpHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);
final var httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(jsonData, httpHeaders);
return restTemplate.postForEntity(ncmpRegistrationUrl, httpEntity, String.class);
private String buildNcmpRegistrationUrl() {
return UriComponentsBuilder
} |
Code Block |
language | java |
title | NCMP REST |
collapse | true |
* Update DMI Plugin Registration (used for first registration also).
* @param restDmiPluginRegistration the registration data
public ResponseEntity<Void> updateDmiPluginRegistration(
final @Valid RestDmiPluginRegistration restDmiPluginRegistration) {
final DmiPluginRegistration dmiPluginRegistration =
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED);
} |
Code Block |
language | java |
title | NCMP Service |
collapse | true |
public void updateDmiPluginRegistration(final DmiPluginRegistration dmiPluginRegistration) {
try {
final List<PersistenceCmHandle> persistenceCmHandles =
new ArrayList<>();
for (final CmHandle cmHandle: dmiPluginRegistration.getCreatedCmHandles()) {
final PersistenceCmHandle persistenceCmHandle = new PersistenceCmHandle();
final PersistenceCmHandlesList persistenceCmHandlesList = new PersistenceCmHandlesList();
final String cmHandleJsonData = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(persistenceCmHandlesList);
} catch (final JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new DataValidationException(
"Parsing error occurred while processing DMI Plugin Registration" + dmiPluginRegistration, e
.getMessage(), e);
} |
So, I think I can append what I am doing to that method on line 122 before the CREATED response is sent back and not create a new endpoint in ncmp