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Meeting Minutes - 3/3/2021 


  • Trudy Morgan : Present first ONAP/OPS-5G use cases 
    • 5 year effort - all work being done in the LF. Work will be up-stream w/o forking code
    • NIWC: Naval Information Warfare Center 
    • Research project - all work is unclassified.
    • Deck presented today: OPS 5G Use Case.pdf 


#1 Create a dedicated controller via SDNC and handle Magma GW like any other device

#2 Have an adapter for the magma in ONAP Service Orchestrator and use it as a resource orchestrator for the specific jobs.   Disadvantage: create something specific

#3 5G PNF Plug & Play and consider Magma GW as a PNF?

    Current proposal: Avoid to create something specific but re-use what it is already developed in ONAP (SO/SDNC/SDNR) and orchestrate directly the Magma GW via gRPC


#4 Can we conclude Magma is an EMS (Element Management System)? YES

#5 5G Blueprint based on Guilin/Honolulu? Magma release is scheduled by June 2021 therefore let's consider ONAP Honolulu release


  • Review of the integration with Magma Controller/GWs
    • Code updated for AWS environments and is how available.
    • Up and running with 2 deployments
    • fully containerized GW planned for v1.6 ( ~4 weeks out)
    • discussion this week and next should have sufficient content for the DTF
    • standard SDC/SO/Multicloud model  should be able to be used.
    • potential for SDNC or CDS might be able to be used later - TBD
    • Possibility of plug-n-play model to be used for AGW - something to look at
    • Installing the access GW automatically would be valuable
    • existing Magma baremetal upgrade model installs as a new package or collection of packages
    • For ONAP assumption of initial deployments are PNF and time permitting then on CNF
    • Suggestion to have a meeting next week at the same time with a smaller group. (TAC conflict noted)
  • Information about Magma Security requirements @Arun Thulasi
  • DTF Event in June - 2021-06-DD - ONAP TSC Task Force: ONAP For Enterprise Business
    • Is the slot OK i.e. Tue Jun 8 2021, 16:30 - 17:30 CET/10.30am-11.30am EST?
    • Shall we meet on June 2nd, 2021 to finalize the DDF presentation?
    • ONAP For Enterprise call will be canceled on June 9th due to DDF event.


  • Magma/ONAP Integration - latest updates
    • Prabhjot Singh Sethi
      • #1 enabling 5G as part of the Access GW will be part of the next Magma release (v1.6) but roadmap not yet finalised
      • No major in the Configuration API discussed on 7/7
      • Network slicing and complex features will be part of later Magma releases (but not v1.6)
  • Kick-off discussions with LF Edge?LF Edge - Ike Alisson
    • Discussion about Network Slicing
    • Functionalities (3GPP TS 23 501 Rel 17 June 2021) related to "Session Service Continuity"  (deliberately not including details on SSC Mode 1-3 related to UPF/PSA selection/re-selection) and "Local Traffic Routing" functions/capabilities for "inter-" and "intra-"  Platforms/Systems  communiction (HPLMN and VPLMN) with regard to %G NFs Cloud Native factors adoption in CSP Service Solution Frameworks.

      Related to that, there is also the issue of Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting (also as part of the Security) (SUPI; SUCI; GUTI) for both, Applications/Service commissioning/instantiation and Users and related to them UEs.


      As it is recently stated in some reports on that issue (adoption of Cloud Native capabilites and Cloudification in CSP/Cellular/Wireless Networks), it becomes apparent that VNFs implementing NFs such as Firewalling, IP Address assignment or Switching & Routing might not be able to comply entirely with the Cloud Native paradigm.

Agenda - 8/4/2021 @7.30 am PST 
