This document highlights design considered for to Provision authenticated, authorized DMaaP topics on Message Router and feeds on Data Router .
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Data Router Feed, Publisher, Subscriber creation input details. Old approach- ------------------------------------------ feedConfig: owner: dcaecm feedVersion: 0.0 feedName: bulk_pm_feed asprClassification: unclassified feedDescription: DFC Feed Creation pubs: - username: dcaepub userpwd: tpJN3gjaAzPAiAa4 dcaeLocationName: loc00 ------------------------------------------ New approach- ------------------------------------------ # DataRouter Feed Configuration drFeedConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed owner: dcaecm feedVersion: 0.0 asprClassification: unclassified feedDescription: DFC Feed Creation # DataRouter Publisher Configuration drPubConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed dcaeLocationName: loc00 # DataRouter Subscriber Configuration drSubConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed decompress: dcaeLocationName: loc00 decompress: Truetrue username: ${DR_USERNAME} userpwd: ${DR_PASSWORD} dcaeLocationName: loc00 privilegedSubscriber: Truetrue deliveryURL: https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery ------------------------------------------ ConfigMap # MessageRouter Topic, Publisher Configuration mrTopicsConfig: - topicName: PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS topicDescription: PM Mapper publishes perf3gpp VES PM Events to authenticated MR topic owner: dcaecm tnxEnabled: false clients: - dcaeLocationName: san-francisco clientRole: org.onap.dcae.pmPublisher action: - pub - view ------------------------------------------ ConfigMap Configuration for Feed, Dr_Publisher ------------------------------------------ volumes: - name: feeds-config path: /opt/app/config/feeds/ - name: drpub-config path: /opt/app/config/dr_pubs/ - name: drsub-config path: /opt/app/config/dr_subs/ - name: topics-config path: /opt/app/config/topics |
Code snip for updating application config with dmaap DR Feed/Pub/Sub and MR Topics details.
- On dr_publiser creation if we dont provide username/password a default usename/password is created, but the same is not happening for dr_subscriber.
- On both dr_publisher / dr_subscriber creation creation if username/password is provided as part of input dmaap-dbc client Api returns username as output and password is defaulted ot "NULL".
Cmpv2Certificates generation
- While testing with 5gbulkpm testcase Cmpv2Certificates processing is failing send mail for clarification - Issue was due to incorrect configuration its resolved now (Poor documentation on Cmpv2 enabling)
**Further analysis is on going will be updating this wiki as we move along.