Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This document highlights design considered for to Provision authenticated, authorized DMaaP topics on Message Router and feeds on Data Router .


Code Block
titleInitContainer Code Snip
- name: {{ include "" $dot }}-init-merge-config
  image: {{ include "repositoryGenerator.image.envsubst" $dot }}
  imagePullPolicy: {{ $ | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }}
  - /bin/sh
  - -c
  - |
    if [ -d /opt/app/config/cache/ ]; then
      cd /opt/app/config/cache/
      for file in $(ls feed*); do
        NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/feedConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/')
        export DR_LOG_URL_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"logURL":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
        export DR_FILES_PUBLISHER_URL_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"publishURL":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
      for file in $(ls drpub*); do
        NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/drpubConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/')
        export DR_USERNAME_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"username":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
        export DR_PASSWORD_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"userpwd":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
        export DR_FILES_PUBLISHER_ID_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"pubId":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
      for file in $(ls drsub*); do
        NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/drsubConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/')
		export DR_USERNAME_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"username":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
        export DR_PASSWORD_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"userpwd":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
        export DR_FILES_SUBSCRIBER_ID_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"subId":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)"
      echo "No Response logged for Dmaap BusController Http POST Request..!"
    cd /config-input && for PFILE in `ls -1`; do envsubst <${PFILE} >/config/${PFILE}; done
  - mountPath: /opt/app/config/cache/
    name: dbc-response-cache
  - mountPath: /config-input
    name: app-config-input
  - mountPath: /config
    name: app-config

Container Logs

1.  Log snippet collected for dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning conatiner making sure it work with updated changes in dbc script.

Code Block
titledmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning Log
$ kubectl logs -f -n onap dev-dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning-n9zfp

+ export 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'
+ RESP=/dev/null
+ APP_ROOT=/opt/app/dbc-client
+ CONFIGMAP_ROOT=/opt/app/config
+ PORT=8443
+ DBC=dmaap-bc
+ PROTO=https
+ PARAM='useExisting=true'
+ REQUESTID=dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning
+ URL=https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/
+ CA_PEM=ca.pem
+ KEY_PEM=key.pem
+ CLIENT_PEM=client.pem
+ PEM_DIR=/opt/app/osaaf/local
+ CERT_PWD='2U[iOZzMHI:.#tdCwlBqc;}S'
+ BA_PWD='demo123456!'
+ AUTH_METHOD=basicAuth
+ init_config
+ '[' '!' -d /opt/app/dbc-client -a '!' -d /opt/app/config ]
+ cd /opt/app/osaaf/local
+ '[' basicAuth '=' basicAuth ]
+ echo '-u!'
+ CURL_CRED='-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred'
+ init_dbc_provisioning
+ cd /opt/app/config
+ '[' -d dmaap ]
+ ls dmaap/onap.json
+ do_http_post dmaap/onap.json dmaap
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' dmaap '!=' feeds -a dmaap '!=' topics ]
+ cat dmaap/onap.json
+ envsubst
+ json_input='{

  "dmaapName": "mr",
  "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov",
  "version": "1",
  "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap",
  "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT"
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{

  "dmaapName": "mr",
  "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov",
  "version": "1",
  "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap",
  "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dmaap
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{

  "dmaapName": "mr",
  "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov",
  "version": "1",
  "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap",
  "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dmaap
Http Post request is successful with response code=200
+ rc=200
+ '[' 200 '=' 200 -o 200 '=' 201 -o 200 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=200'
+ break
+ '[' -d dcaeLocations ]
+ ls dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json
+ do_http_post dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json dcaeLocations
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' dcaeLocations '!=' feeds -a dcaeLocations '!=' topics ]
+ cat dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json
+ envsubst
+ json_input='{

  "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central",
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco"
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{

  "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central",
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dcaeLocations
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{

  "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central",
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dcaeLocations
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=201'
+ break
+ '[' -d mr_clusters ]
Http Post request is successful with response code=201
+ ls mr_clusters/san-francisco.json
+ do_http_post mr_clusters/san-francisco.json mr_clusters
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' mr_clusters '!=' feeds -a mr_clusters '!=' topics ]
+ cat mr_clusters/san-francisco.json
+ envsubst
+ json_input='{
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco",
  "fqdn": "message-router",
  "topicProtocol": "http",
  "topicPort": "3904"
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco",
  "fqdn": "message-router",
  "topicProtocol": "http",
  "topicPort": "3904"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/mr_clusters
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{
  "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco",
  "fqdn": "message-router",
  "topicProtocol": "http",
  "topicPort": "3904"
}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/mr_clusters
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=201'
+ break
+ '[' -d topics ]
Http Post request is successful with response code=201
+ ls topics/PNF_READY.json topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json topics/mirrormakeragent.json
+ do_http_post topics/PNF_READY.json topics
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ]
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_READY.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_READY.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201'
+ break
+ do_http_post topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json topics
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ]
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201'
+ break
Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201
+ do_http_post topics/mirrormakeragent.json topics
+ '[' -n  ]
+ true
+ '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ]
+ xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/mirrormakeragent.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/mirrormakeragent.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true'
Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201'
+ break
+ '[' -d mr_clients ]
+ '[' -d dr_nodes ]
+ ls 'dr_nodes/*.json'
ls: dr_nodes/*.json: No such file or directory
+ '[' -d feeds ]
+ ls 'feeds/*.json'
ls: feeds/*.json: No such file or directory
+ '[' -d dr_pubs ]
+ '[' -d dr_subs ]

2.  Log snippet from dcae-datafile-collector initContainer dcae-datafile-collector-init-dmaap-provisioning for creation of Feeds and Dr Publisher.

Code Block
titledcae-datafile-collector initContainer dcae-datafile-collector-init-dmaap-provisioning Log
$ kubectl logs -f -n onap dev-dcae-datafile-collector-d996487db-6wdjb -c dcae-datafile-collector-init-dmaap-provisioning

+ export 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin'
+ RESP_CACHE=/opt/app/config/cache
+ RESP=/dev/null
+ APP_ROOT=/opt/app/dbc-client
+ CONFIGMAP_ROOT=/opt/app/config
+ PORT=8443
+ DBC=dmaap-bc
+ PROTO=https
+ PARAM='useExisting=true'
+ REQUESTID=dcae-datafile-collector-dmaap-provisioning
+ URL=https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/
+ CA_PEM=ca.pem
+ KEY_PEM=key.pem
+ CLIENT_PEM=client.pem
+ PEM_DIR=/opt/app/osaaf/local
+ CERT_PWD='2U[iOZzMHI:.#tdCwlBqc;}S'
+ BA_PWD='demo123456!'
+ AUTH_METHOD=basicAuth
+ init_config
+ '[' '!' -d /opt/app/dbc-client -a '!' -d /opt/app/config ]
+ cd /opt/app/osaaf/local
+ '[' basicAuth '=' basicAuth ]
+ echo '-u!'
+ CURL_CRED='-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred'
+ init_dbc_provisioning
+ cd /opt/app/config
+ '[' -d dmaap ]
+ '[' -d dcaeLocations ]
+ '[' -d mr_clusters ]
+ '[' -d topics ]
+ '[' -d mr_clients ]
+ '[' -d dr_nodes ]
+ '[' -d feeds ]
+ ls feeds/feedConfig-0.json
+ do_http_post feeds/feedConfig-0.json feeds
+ '[' -n /opt/app/config/cache ]
+ cut -d . -f1
+ echo feedConfig-0.json
+ RESP=/opt/app/config/cache/feedConfig-0-resp.json
+ true
+ '[' feeds '!=' feeds -a feeds '!=' topics ]
+ xcurl -o /opt/app/config/cache/feedConfig-0-resp.json -d @feeds/feedConfig-0.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/feeds/?useExisting=true'
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dcae-datafile-collector-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /opt/app/config/cache/feedConfig-0-resp.json -d @feeds/feedConfig-0.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/feeds/?useExisting=true'
Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=200
+ rc=200
+ '[' 200 '=' 200 -o 200 '=' 201 -o 200 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=200'
+ break
+ '[' -d dr_pubs ]
+ ls dr_pubs/drpubConfig-0.json
+ do_http_post dr_pubs/drpubConfig-0.json dr_pubs
+ '[' -n /opt/app/config/cache ]
+ echo drpubConfig-0.json
+ cut -d . -f1
+ RESP=/opt/app/config/cache/drpubConfig-0-resp.json
+ true
+ '[' dr_pubs '!=' feeds -a dr_pubs '!=' topics ]
+ cat dr_pubs/drpubConfig-0.json
+ envsubst
+ json_input='{"dcaeLocationName":"loc00","feedName":"bulk_pm_feed"}'
+ xcurl -o /opt/app/config/cache/drpubConfig-0-resp.json -d '{"dcaeLocationName":"loc00","feedName":"bulk_pm_feed"}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dr_pubs
+ curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dcae-datafile-collector-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /opt/app/config/cache/drpubConfig-0-resp.json -d '{"dcaeLocationName":"loc00","feedName":"bulk_pm_feed"}' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dr_pubs
+ rc=201
+ '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ]
+ echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=201'
+ break
+ '[' -d dr_subs ]
Http Post request is successful with response code=201

Open Issues

Data Router Publisher/Subscriber behaviour is not consistent 

  1. On dr_publiser creation if we dont provide username/password a  default usename/password is created, but the same is not happening for dr_subscriber.
  2. On both dr_publisher / dr_subscriber creation creation if username/password is provided as part of input dmaap-dbc client Api returns username as output and password is defaulted ot "NULL".

 Cmpv2Certificates generation

  1. While testing with 5gbulkpm testcase  Cmpv2Certificates processing is failing send mail for clarification - Issue was due to incorrect configuration its resolved now (Poor documentation on Cmpv2 enabling)

**Further analysis is on going will be updating this wiki as we move along.
