7. Support MAPPING requirement – CMPv2 Certificates (refer REQ #3 for details) - Target 06/24
Include support for base + addon chart structure (certificate.yaml will be optional) - DONE -1.0.1? DONE
Add validation if enabled in spec and certificate.yaml not provided - tool must error - switch to use use_external_tls/flag - DONE 1.3.2
8. Support MAPPING requirement – Postgres (refer REQ #5 for details) - Target 06/30 DONE 30 DONE 1.3.2
9. Support MAPPING requirement – Policy Sidecar (refer REQ #4 for details) Target 06/17 17 DONE 1.3.2
Format written out into values.yaml not as expected
11. Support MAPPING requirement – ConfigMap support (refer REQ #2 for details) Target 06/30 DONE 1.3.2
12. Support MAPPING requirement – DMAAP Secure Topic/Feed (refer REQ #6 for details)
21. Secret mapping requirement TBD and pv mapping - Vijay Kumar - Target 06/30 DONE 30 REQ DONE 1.3.2
- CMPv2 + application_env
- Modify spec to align with new schema
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/hv-ves/tree/dpo/spec/hv-ves-collector.componentspec.json
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/ves/tree/dpo/spec/vescollector-componentspec.json
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/analytics/tca-gen2/tree/dcae-analytics/dpo/tcagen2_spec.json
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper/tree/dpo/spec/pmmapper-component-spec.json
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/datafile/tree/datafile-app-server/dpo/spec/datafile-component-spec.json
- https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/services/prh/tree/dpo/spec/prh.componentspec.json
- Generate charts and deploy and check if component comes up clean
- Environment for test to be setup/checked (onap5) - Vijay Kumar - DONE ENV DONE (06/17/2021)
- Verify spec can be run through bp-gen and deployed (backward compatibility)