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1 Terminology
This section describes the terminology used in the system.
1.1 Control Loop Terminology
Control Loop Type: A definition of a Control Loop in the TOSCA language. This definition describes a certain type of a control loop. The life cycle of instances of a Control Loop Type are managed by CLAMP.
CLAMP Control Loop Runtime: The CLAMP server that holds Control Loop Type definitions and manages the life cycle of Control Loop Instances and their Control Loop Elements in cooperation with participants.
1.2 Participant Terminology
Participant Type: Definition of a type of system or framework that can take part in control loops and a definition of the capabilities of that participant type. A participant advertises its type to the CLAMP Control Loop Runtime.
Participant: A system or framework that takes part in control loops by executing Control Loop Elements in cooperation with the CLAMP Control Loop Runtime. A participant chooses to partake in control loops, to manage Control Loop Elements for CLAMP, and to receive, send and act on LCM messages for the CLAMP runtime.
1.3 Terminology for Properties
Common Properties: Properties that apply to all Control Loop Instances of a certain Control Loop Type and are specified when a Control Loop Type is commissioned.
Instance Specific Properties: Properties that must be specified for each Control Loop Instance and are specified when a Control Loop Instance is Initialized.
1.4 Concepts and their relationships
The UML diagram below shows the concepts described in the terminology sections above and how they are interrelated.
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The Control Loop Definition concepts describe the types of things that are in the system. These concepts are defined at design time and are passed to the runtime in a TOSCA document. The concepts in the Control Loop Runtime are created by the runtime part of the system using the definitions created at design time.
2 Capabilities
We consider the capabilities of Control Loops at Design Time and Run Time.