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Analyze all API GET calls listed on this page: https://wikilf-onap.onapatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DW/CPS+APIs

(#2 and #21 have already been analyzed and required queries been identified)



API endpoint



CPS Path Query Description

Comments and Status

1./api​/sdnc-config-db​/v4​/nearrtric-list​/{trackingArea}cps ran schema model

Get ​complete details associated with a list of NearRT RIC's and corresponding managed elements

xpath : /cps-ran-schema/NearRTRIC[@idNearRTRIC="22"]/GNBDUFunction[@idGNBDUFunction="6"]/NRCellDU[@idNRCellDU="15548"]/

attributes : {"nRPCI": 12, "nRTAC": 310, "cellLocalId": 15548}

Note. nRTAC is not the key!

//NRCellDU[ ? ]

Proposed cps query, 2 step approach (inside CPS Core):

  1. Retrieve all unique NRCellDU list entries based on xpath postfix and attribute key and value. Options:
    1. /cps-ran-schema/NearRTRIC[?]/GNBDUFunction[?]/NRCellDU[@nRTAC=310]
      i.e. Match full xpath with wildcard for each list-ancestor list key
      Hard to implement, more model knowledge needed
    2. //NRCellDU[@nRTAC=310]
      i.e. xpath ends with NRCellDU[?] and attributes contain nRTAC=310
      Already have similar? existing code for this in: FragmentRepository.getByAnchorAndXpathAndLeafAttributes()

  2.  Retrieve unique NearRTRIC ancestors (using bookstore generic examples)
    1. //book[@name="Feersum Endjinn"]/ancestor::*[position()=3]
      Less flexible, less readable
    2. //book[@name="Chapters"]/ancestor::bookstore 
      The preferred option, enough information an unambiguous enough to correctly resolve the query for this API call

<Ahila> Please note the below:

  1. Fetch the List of Cells using API #2
  2. Fetch the parents and grandparents pertaining to those cells

For team review

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

2./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/cell-list/{trackingArea}cps ran schema modelGet a list of cells that correspond to a specific tracking area
9./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/du-list/{sNSSAI}cps ran schema model

Fetch the DU functions for sNSSAI

Path - cps-ran-schema/NearRTRIC/GNBDUFunction/NRCellDU/attributes/pLMNInfoList/sNSSAIList/sNssai

Query - get ancestor GNBDUFunctionbased on the sNSSAI. 


NOTE - sNssai is the key

For team review

Possible same solution as #1.

10./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/du-cell-list/{sNSSAI}cps ran schema model

Fetch DU Cells for sNSSAI

Path - cps-ran-schema/NearRTRIC/GNBDUFunction/NRCellDU/attributes/pLMNInfoList/sNSSAIList/sNssai

Query - get ancestor NRCellDU based on the sNSSAI.


NOTE - sNssai is the key

For team review

Possible same solution as #1.

Fetch slice profile configuration for an sNSSAINot NeededIgnore this API
12./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/slice-config/{sNSSAI}cps ran schema model

Fetch NearRTRIC configuration for a sNSSAI

Path - cps-ran-schema/NearRTRIC[ ? ]/attributes/pLMNInfoList[ ? ]/sNSSAIList/sNssai

Query - Get the sibling configData of sNSSAI from the sNSSAIList.

//sNSSAIList[@sNssai=1]/ (include children)

This will use query 3 CPS-235: Overview of (early) CPS Query

NOTE - sNssai is the key

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serverSystem Jira

Fetch subscriber details
Ignore this API
19.api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearrtric/{ranNFNSSIId}cps ran schema model

Fetches the NearRTRICs for the RANNFNSSI

Uses cps ran schema model

Query - We need a query that will get the immediate parent (NearRTRICs) based on attribute values from the list of ranNFNSSIIdList (child).

//ranNFNSSIIdList[@RANNFNSSI =1]/ancestor::NearRTRICs

NOTE Model has changed, ranNFNSSIIdList representation now is a leaf-list, thus new type of query is needed 'leaf-list contains a given value'
Here are 3 possible options:

//attributes/ranNFNSSIIdList[normalize-space(.)= "ac8ca1a9-e1ec-4480-8720-c74e92566885"]/ancestor::NearRTRIC

2 possible options:

  1. //attributes/ranNFNSSIIdList/element[normalize-space(text())= "ac8ca1a9-e1ec-4480-8720-c74e92566885"]/ancestor::NearRTRIC
  2. //attributes/ranNFNSSIIdList/element[text()="ac8ca1a9-e1ec-4480-8720-c74e92566885"]/ancestor::NearRTRIC

For team review

Possible same solution as #1.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

20./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/plmn/{sliceProfileId}Uses cps ran inventory model

Returns PLMN id for the sliceProfile

Uses cps ran inventory model

Query - We need the following query; based on the sliceProfileId key we will get the sibling that is a pLMIDList.
//sliceProfilesList[@sliceProfileId=1] include descendants (pLMIDList is descendant)
For team review



Returns List of a tracking area (coverageAreaTAList) of the specified coverage area
