Versions Compared


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First attempt on security versions but good question rasied regarding the repo. At the moment the code of versions has been externalized in gitlab but not under the LFN umbrella for a PoC. as for xtesting, it shall be brought back either in ONAP repo or in gitlab under LFN organisation. #actin morgan send a mail to LF to see if there are any gitlab space endorsed by LFN that we coudl use otherwise use the old way - which is fine but not as flexible as a gitlab repo.


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo 5g-core-nf simu (praveen v ) 20'
    2. demo ORAN A1-based Closed Loop (Konrad Bańka ) 20' A1 Policy Enforcement PoCv1.pptx
    3. demo stability test launcher (Natacha Chéreau )10'
  4. AoB

(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Meeting ended Wed Feb 10 17:02:15 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Log:


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
    1. new repo follow-up
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
    2. discussion on simulators
    3. simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
  4. Preparation vEvent
  5. AoB

(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Log:


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
    1. new repo follow-up
    2. new Real time support channel: slack (already exists), publick rocket chat, mattermost, ....
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
    2. discussion on simulators
    3. simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
    4. CSIT redesign updates (Lasse Kaihlavirta)
    5. stability/resiliency testing (Natacha Chéreau )
    6. Update on Tern tests (Former user (Deleted) )
  4. Preparation vEvent
  5. AoB

(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Log:


    1. demo tests DataFileCollector (Krzysztof Gajewski ) 10'
  1. Guilin Maintenance Release
  2. Preparation vEvent
  3. AoB

(16:26:02) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Log:
