Message | Source | Target | Purpose | Important Fields | Field Descriptions | |
ParticipantRegister | Participant | CLAMP Runtime | Participant registers with the CLAMP runtime | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant | |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
ParticipantRegisterAck | CLAMP Runtime | Participant | Acknowledgement of Participant Registration | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant | |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
Result | Success/Fail | |||||
Message | Message indicating reason for failure | |||||
ParticipantUpdate | CLAMP Runtime | Participant | CLAMP Runtime sends Control Loop Element Definitions and Common Parameter Values to Participants | ParticipantDefinitionUpdateMap | Map with Participant ID as its key, each value on the map is a ControlLoopElementDefintionList | |
ControlLoopElementDefintionList | List of ControlLoopElementDefinition values for a particular participant | |||||
ControlLoopElementDefinition | A ControlLoopElementToscaServiceTemplate containing the definition of the Control Loop Element and a CommonPropertiesMap with the values of the common property values for Control Loop Elements of this type | |||||
ControlLoopElementToscaServiceTemplate | The definition of the Control Loop Element in TOSCA | |||||
CommonPropertiesMap | A <String, String> map indexed by the property name. Each map entry is the serialized value of the property, which can be deserialized into an instance of the type of the property. | |||||
ParticipantUpdateAck | Participant | CLAMP Runtime | Acknowledgement of Participant Update | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant | |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
Result | Success/Fail | |||||
Message | Message indicating reason for failure | |||||
ParticipantDeregister | Participant | CLAMP Runtime | Participant deregisters with the CLAMP runtime | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant | |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
ParticipantDeregisterAck | CLAMP Runtime | Participant | Acknowledgement of Participant Deegistration | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant | |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
Result | Success/Fail | |||||
Message | Message indicating reason for failure | |||||
ControlLoopUpdate | CLAMP Runtime | Participant | CLAMP Runtime sends Control Loop Element instances and Instance Specific Parameter Values to Participants | ParticipantUpdateMap | Map with Participant ID as its key, each value on the map is a ControlLoopElementList | |
ControlLoopElementList | List of ControlLoopElement values for a particular participant | |||||
ControlLoopElement | A ControlLoopElement, which contains among other things a PropertiesMap with the values of the the property values for this Control Loop Element instance | |||||
PropertiesMap | A <String, String> map indexed by the property name. Each map entry is the serialized value of the property, which can be deserialized into an instance of the type of the property. | |||||
ParticipantDeregisterAckControlLoopUpdateAck | Participant | CLAMP Runtime | Participant | Acknowledgement of Participant DeegistrationUpdate | ParticipantId | The ID of this participant |
ParticipantType | The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions | |||||
Result | Success/Fail | |||||
Message | Message indicating reason for failure | |||||