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  •  AP1: Morgan Richomme  amend pythonsdk_tests to include the workaround
  •  AP2: Santosh bayas  identify inputs to see if parameters are missing + publish robot code in testsuite for review
  •  AP3: Morgan Richomme  Krzysztof Kuzmicki  check why we have a path difference between execution in the robot pod and in the xtesting docker
  •  AP4: Morgan Richomme  review MR from Former user (Deleted) for the integration of tern in ci-weekly
  •  AP5: Morgan Richomme  contact use case owner to collect the possible needs and remind the need to update the doc
  •  AP6: Morgan Richomme  Krzysztof Kuzmicki  create Epic and tasks to detail expectations on robot pod refactoring (alpine, split web/robot, python3, execution from outside the cluster, use python baseline image,....)


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo 5g-core-nf simu (praveen v ) 20'
    2. demo ORAN A1-based Closed Loop (Konrad Bańka ) 20' A1 Policy Enforcement PoCv1.pptx
    3. demo stability test launcher (Natacha Chéreau )10'
  4. AoB

(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Meeting ended Wed Feb 10 17:02:15 2021 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(18:02:16) collab-meetbot: Log:


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
    1. new repo follow-up
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
    2. discussion on simulators
    3. simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
  4. Preparation vEvent
  5. AoB

(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(18:57:32) collab-meetbot: Log:


  1. Action point follow-up
  2. Admin
    1. new repo follow-up
    2. new Real time support channel: slack (already exists), publick rocket chat, mattermost, ....
  3. Honolulu
    1. demo PNF (Michał Jagiełło )
    2. discussion on simulators
    3. simulator wrapper in pythonsdk-tests (Illia Halych)
    4. CSIT redesign updates (Lasse Kaihlavirta)
    5. stability/resiliency testing (Natacha Chéreau )
    6. Update on Tern tests (Former user (Deleted) )
  4. Preparation vEvent
  5. AoB

(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Minutes (text):
(17:40:10) collab-meetbot: Log:


    1. demo tests DataFileCollector (Krzysztof Gajewski ) 10'
  1. Guilin Maintenance Release
  2. Preparation vEvent
  3. AoB

(16:26:02) collab-meetbot: Minutes:
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(16:26:03) collab-meetbot: Log:
