Jira Legacy | ||||||
Develop a solution for storing information when policies are deployed or undeployed through the PAP deploy APIs.
Questions on models changes:
How many records could this return? may want to force a limit on the record count and maximum time window. may want to require starting timestamp
what sort of filters should be allowed? pdpGroup, policy name and version and a timestamp limit (until that timestamp).
even with the timestamp, should we have a record limit? what number would be appropriate?
could it also be a filter? have specified a default limit (i.e 50 records) but can be informed on usage.
wonder if we could use a different term than "Tracker"? That term is already used within PAP with a different meaning
suggestions: PdpPolicyDeploymentAudit or PdpDeploymentAudit
Does the table need to be cleaned up at times?
Jira Legacy server System Jira serverId 4733707d-2057-3a0f-ae5e-4fd8aff50176 key POLICY-3328
As for clean up, we might set a timelife for the audits related to deleted policies/groups. Ram Krishna Verma Ajith Sreekumar what are your thought on that?