ONAP documentation is using reStructuredText (RST) as input format.
- A local one: to verify syntax highlight
- An advanced one: to check locally the generated HTML files as produced by ONAP
Basic Local Environnement
Many tools are available to write RST files. We propose a solution based on VisualStudioCode that includes a large number of plugins to check that your RST files are correct.
The VisualStudioCode is available here
The useful plugins extension for RST are the following:
As a result, we can see on your environment the RST key words highlighted and some spelling errors as illustrated on the following picture:
Advanced Local Environment
It is possible to preview the HTML produced by ONAP documentation using the Preview buttonĀ on the top-right corner.
- to set up the following Python libraries.
- to configure the RST plugin
Local Python libraries
You must use Python3 version.
pip install lfdocs-conf
pip install rstcheck
pip install doc8
pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild
pip install sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-needs
pip install sphinxcontrib-plantuml
pip install sphinxcontrib-nwdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-seqdiag
pip install sphinxcontrib-swaggerdoc
pip install sphinxcontrib-redoc
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
RST Plugin configuration
In addition, it is important to configure the RST plugin with the following parameter as displayed in the figure