To access the ONAP GUI for testing alarms and faults in OWL, please follow these steps (on Windows):
- Obtain Follow the above instructions to obtain an ORBIT account
- From Command Prompt, run “ssh-keygen” to create a key-pair
- Upload the public key to your ORBIT profile at https://www.orbit-lab.org/cPanel/controlPanel/start
- Assuming your public key is in the current directory (usually .ssh folder), tunnel 3 times in Command Prompt via the following commands (replace the bolded sections):ssh -A -t and upload a set of keys
- Open PuTTY and set your Host Name to [ORBIT username]@console.sb10.orbit-lab.org -i [public key filename] -L 8181:localhost:8181(Port should be 22 by default)
- As detailed in the above instructions, make sure you are using your private key file under Connection → SSH → Auth
- Under Connection → SSH → Tunnels, add a new forwarded port with Source Port 8181 and Destination localhost:8181
- Save your session configuration with a memorable name (optional but recommended)
- Open your session, enter the passphrase for your key (if you have one), and access ORBIT
- Tunnel 2 more times with the following commands:
- ssh -A -t native@exper-control-1 -L 8181:localhost:8181
- ssh -A -t ubuntu@ -L 8181:localhost:8181
- Go to http://localhost:8181/odlux/index.html and log in using admin:admin