curl -k -X PUT https: //dcae-pm-mapper :8443 /delivery/ <filename> -H 'X-DMAAP-DR-META:{"productName": "AcmeNode","vendorName": "Acme","lastEpochMicrosec": "1538478000000","sourceName": "oteNB5309","startEpochMicrosec": "1538478900000","timeZoneOffset": "UTC+05:00","location": "ftpes://","compression": "gzip","fileFormatType": "org.3GPP.32.435#measCollec","fileFormatVersion": "V9"}' -H "Content-Type:application/xml" --data-binary @<filename> -H 'X-ONAP-RequestID: 12345' -H 'X-DMAAP-DR-PUBLISH-ID: 12345'
3. curl the topic on Message Router to retrieve kpi event:
curl -k https://message-router.onap.svc.cluster.local:3905/events/unauthenticated.DCAE_KPI_OUTPUT/c1/g1
Image Modified
For this ms, a kpi formula is upload by configbinding service, the original pm data is retrived from dmaap which published by pm-mapper, the kpi ms do the calculation based on the the data and the formula.