Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

1. Details of Config DB APIs supported in Guilin


S.NoAPI endpointHTTP MethodDescriptionAPI input/Request PayloadResult obtained for API call (in case of GET)Yang sub-tree/element(s) accessed (for GET), or updated (for UPDATE)Consuming ComponentUsecaseComments

Get ​complete details associated with a list of NearRT RIC's and

corresponding managed elements

trackingArea - String[
"gNBCUCPList": [
"cellCUList": [
"cellLocalId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBCUName": "string",
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nFType": "string",
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNId": "string"
"gNBCUUPList": [
"gNBCUUPId": 0,
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBDUList": [
"cellDUList": [
"administrativeState": "string",
"cellLocalId": 0,
"cellState": "string",
"nRPCI": 0,
"nRTAC": 0,
"operationalState": "string",
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"resourceType": "string"
"gNBDUId": 0,
"gNBDUName": "string",
"gNBId": 0,
"gNBIdLength": 0,
"nFType": "string",
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNId": "string"
"gNBId": 0,
"nearRTRICId": 0,
"pLMNInfoList": [
"pLMNId": "string",
"sNSSAI": {
"configData": {
"dLThptPerSlice": 0,
"maxNumberOfConns": 0,
"uLThptPerSlice": 0
"globalSubscriberId": "string",
"sNSSAI": "string",
"status": "string",
"subscriptionServiceType": "string"
"ranNFNSSIList": [
"resourceType": "string",
"trackingArea": [
Complete Yang model. Refer CPS-196SDN-RSlicing
2./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/cell-list/{trackingArea}GETGet a list of cells that correspond to a specific tracking areatrackingArea - String
+--rw taCellsList* [cellLocalId]
+--rw cellLocalId int32

3./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearRTRICPUTStore nearRTRIC details{
                "configData": {

+--rw NearRTRIC* [idNearRTRIC]
+--rw idNearRTRIC string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw dnPrefix? DistinguishedName
| +--rw userLabel? string
| +--ro locationName? string
| +--ro gNBId? int64
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
4./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUCPPUTStore gNBCUCP, NRCellCU details


+--rw GNBCUCPFunction* [idGNBCUCPFunction]
+--rw idGNBCUCPFunction string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw gNBId? int64
| +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| +--rw gNBCUName? string
| +--rw pLMNId* [mcc mnc]
| +--rw mcc Mcc
| +--rw mnc Mnc
+--rw NRCellCU* [idNRCellCU]
+--rw idNRCellCU string
+--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
5./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBCUUPPUTStore gNBCUUP details


+--rw GNBCUUPFunction* [idGNBCUUPFunction]
| +--rw idGNBCUUPFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| +--ro gNBCUUPId? uint64
| +--rw gNBId? int64
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| +--rw mcc Mcc
| +--rw mnc Mnc
| +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| +--rw sNssai string
| +--rw status? string
| +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| +--rw configParameter string
| +--rw configValue? int64
6./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/gNBDUPUTStore gNBDU, NRCellDU details


+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? string
| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac
7./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/rrmPolicyPUTStore network elements' RRMPolicy details


+--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
8./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/ranslice-detailsPUTRAN Inventory. Store RAN slice details






















        "Kingston" ,






+--rw ran-inventory
+--rw rannfnssiid? string
+--rw sliceProfilesList* [sliceProfileId]
| +--rw sliceProfileId string
| +--rw sNSSAI? string
| +--rw maxNumberofUEs? int64
| +--rw latency? int64
| +--rw uLThptPerSlice? int64
| +--rw dLThptPerSlice? int64
| +--rw maxNumberofConns? int64
| +--rw uEMobilityLevel? string
| +--rw resourceSharingLevel? string
| +--rw coverageAreaList* string
| +--rw pLMNIdList* [mcc mnc]
| +--rw mcc Mcc
| +--rw mnc Mnc
+--rw subnetStatus? string
+--rw nsstid? string
+--rw slicetype? string
+--rw isshareable? string
SDN-RSlicinglittle difference can be found between the request payload and the yang model.  Yang model is final one.
9./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/du-list/{sNSSAI}GETFetch the DU functions for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String

























                "dLThptPerSlice": 45,

                "uLThptPerSlice": 40










                "dLThptPerSlice": 65,

                "uLThptPerSlice": 30









+--rw GNBDUFunction* [idGNBDUFunction]
| +--rw idGNBDUFunction string
| +--rw attributes
| | +--ro gNBId? int64
| | +--rw gNBIdLength? int32
| | +--rw gNBDUId? int64
| | +--rw gNBDUName? string
| | +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw RRMPolicyRatio* [id]
| | +--rw id string
| | +--rw attributes
| | +--rw resourceType? string
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMemberList* [idx]
| | | +--rw idx uint32
| | | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | | +--rw sNSSAI? SNssai
| | +--rw quotaType? QuotaType
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMaxRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyMinRatio? uint8
| | +--rw rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio? uint8
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac
10./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/du-cell-list/{sNSSAI}GETFetch DU Cells for sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


   "1": [


            "cellLocalId": 111,

            "operationalState": "ENABLED",

            "administrativeState": "UNLOCKED",

            "cellState": "ACTIVE",

            "pLMNInfoList": [


                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId1",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-003",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",

                        "globalSubscriberId": null,

                        "subscriptionServiceType": null,

                        "configData": {}




                    "pLMNId": "pLMNId2",

                    "sNSSAI": {

                        "sNSSAI": "001-024",

                        "status": "ACTIVE",

                        "globalSubscriberId": null,

                        "subscriptionServiceType": null,

                        "configData": {}




            "nRPCI": 45,

            "nRTAC": 9087





Key - nearRTRIC Id

value - list of cells

| +--rw NRCellDU* [idNRCellDU]
| +--rw idNRCellDU string
| +--rw attributes
| +--rw cellLocalId? int32
| +--rw pLMNInfoList* [mcc mnc]
| | +--rw mcc Mcc
| | +--rw mnc Mnc
| | +--rw sNSSAIList* [sNssai]
| | +--rw sNssai string
| | +--rw status? string
| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64
| +--rw nRPCI? int32
| +--rw nRTAC? Tac

Yang model defines only the DUCellList which is the value in the response.

Key is a nearRTRICId

11./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/profile-config/{sNSSAI}GETFetch slice profile configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String



SlicingThis API will be replaced by AAI APIs
12./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/slice-config/{sNSSAI}GETFetch NearRTRIC configuration for a sNSSAIsNSSAI - String


    "1": {

        "dLThptPerSlice": 45,

        "uLThptPerSlice": 40




key "1" is nearRICId

Value - nssai config

| | +--rw configData* [configParameter]
| | +--rw configParameter string
| | +--rw configValue? int64

Yang model defines only the DUCellConfiguration.

Key is NEarRTRICid

13./api/sdnc-config-db/v4/subscriber-details/{sNSSAI}GETFetch subscriber detailssNSSAI - String

DCAE-slice-analysis-msSlicingThis API will be replaced by AAI APIs
14./api/sdnc-config-db/v3/insertDataPUTPre-load Cell Data
"cellList": [{
"Cell": {
"networkId": "jio",
"nodeId": "Chn1003",
"physicalCellId": 0,
"pnfName": "ncserver1007",
"sectorNumber": 0,
"latitude": "13.081907",
"longitude": "80.270862"
"neighbor": [

15./api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyPci/{cellId}PATCHModfify PCI value of a cell




16./api/sdnc-config-db/v3/modifyNbrHO/{cellId}/{targetCellId}PATCHModify HO (Handoff) flag for a target neighbor cell




17./api/sdnc-config-db/v3/createNbr/{cellId}PUTCreate a neigbor for a cell
  "ho": true,
  "targetCellId": "string"

18./api/sdnc-config-db/v3/deleteNbr/{cellId}/{targetCellId}DELETEDelete a neighbor for a call

cellId - string

trgetCellId - string

19.api/sdnc-config-db/v4/nearrtric/{ranNFNSSIId}GETFetches the NearRTRICs for the RANNFNSSI

