What went well?
- Integration tests between different components can be started early and in parallel.
- Code reviews to be strict and strengthened
- A code review checklist can be maintained (including checkstyles, coverage, tests done, functionality covered, pending work , definition of done etc), we pushed code that did not build and did not have tests.
- Internal demos can be started and made more frequent, when there is a demoable component.
- Dedicated page of instructions for new joiners for Checkstyle/SONAR etc. Also the repositories that we ened to use Nordix/Onap etc
- Good knowledge of Policy and the Policy Framework codebase and practices work.
- Add good descriptions of the reason for a commit and an explanation of the commit in comments in the review
- How does our architecture align with the existing CLAMP springboot approach?
- Understand the architectural path into the future.
- Stick with the Wiki for documentation and convert to RST later, keep the wiki page up to date.
- Set up CSIT tests for the control loop work. Also get some help from experienced people in CSIT.
- Explain the concepts of Control Loops/Participants/Control Loop Elements in a good way with good diagrams and better documentation, also the TOSCA service template and node templates.
- Put up a howto on the Wiki on how to run the demo.
- Training on the Policy Framework and its principles.
- Informal Demos at the standups from everyone of commits coming in, maybe where there are issues!
- Get the Jenkins verify jobs running in Nordix
- Code Reviews
- Follow ONAP guidelines as a minimum Code Review
- Check and perform reviews
- First thing in the morning
- After Lunch
- Last thing in the evening
- Be gentle and kind
- Provide suggestions on changes rather than just saying something is incorrect: Do How as well as What and Why
- Checklist for Code Reviews
- Code must pass verify job, unverified jobs are not code reviewed
- Checkstyle: Covered by build (Verified commit proves checkstyle is OK)
- Coverage: 80%, Put figure from Eclipse/IntelliJ in the commit message: Investigate how to do in IntelliJ
- Integration Tests done statement
- What Functionality covered statement
- What Functionality is not covered (if needed)
- What the Definition of done for this feature is
- coverage, tests done, functionality covered, pending work , definition of done etc), we pushed code that did not build and did not have tests.