Find a slice profile list that has the given sNSSAI value
For the model provided above it will return:
Code Block |
grouping SliceProfile{
leaf sliceProfileId{
type string;
mandatory true;
description "slice profile id";
leaf sNSSAI{
type string;
mandatory false;
description "The S-NSSAI may include both the SST and SD fields (in which case the S-NSSAI length is 32 bits in total), or the S-NSSAI may just include the SST field (in which case the S-NSSAI length is 8 bits only)";
leaf maxNumberofUEs{
type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; }
mandatory false;
description "maximum number of UEs";
leaf latency{
type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; }
mandatory false;
description "latency of the slice requested by the operator";
leaf uLThptPerSlice{
type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; }
mandatory false;
description "uplink throughput of the slice requested by the operator";
leaf dLThptPerSlice{
type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; }
mandatory false;
description "downlink throughput of the slice requested by the operator";
leaf maxNumberofConns{
type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; }
mandatory false;
description "maximum number of connections to be served by the slice";
leaf uEMobilityLevel{
type string;
mandatory false;
description "Mobility level of the UE";
leaf resourceSharingLevel{
type string;
description "Resource sharing level";
} |