Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities | API Spec (Swagger) |
CONE-1 | Operations Interface APP-C : LCM | An interface to request for Lifecycle management operations on network resources. This is the same interface as CONE-2, but is invoked by a command line tool (e.g. curl) instead of by a system. | No Swagger, but documented in ReadTheDocs |
CONE-2 | OSS Interface APP-C : LCM | An interface to request for Lifecycle management operations on network resources | No Swagger, but documented in ReadTheDocs |
CONE-3 | Service Order Interface (GENERIC-RESOURCE-API) | An interface to request for Configuration and Lifecycle management operations on network resources | https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=sdnc/northbound.git;a=blob;f=generic-resource-api/model/swagger/src/main/yaml/generic-resource.yaml;h=d6fb00a39e0580239caaa5cc93e1bfc0ad162617;hb=refs/heads/masterGENERIC-RESOURCE-API swagger (yaml) |
CONE-4 | Policy Interface SDN-C: LCM | An interface to support LCM requests such as Restart, Rebuild, Migrate, Evacuate operations on network resources (APP-C interfaces with openstack to send those LCM requests to VNF/VNF-C/VM) | Swagger TBD - Interface format is the same as APP-C LCM (see ReadTheDocs) |
The current API documents can be found at: