Interface Name | Interface Definition | Interface Capabilities | API Spec (Swagger) |
ExternalAPIE-1 NBI Management Interface | Provides a healthcheck to verify that the NBI component is running fine | Provides:
| https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/_downloads/350675a49dbe01d7970309dac13aaa30/swagger.json |
ExternalAPIE-2 Subscription Management Interface | Provides the ability to subscribe to and unsubscribe from External API events. (also known as the External API Hub interface) | Provides:
| https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/_downloads/7a0359a1069cff9bb3f7db69109b5294/swagger.json |
ExternalAPIE-3 Service Catalogue Interface | Find service specifications that can be instantiated | Provides:
| https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/_downloads/ca979e4ad0e48c22d6e62f403b4b0c7c/swagger.json |
ExternalAPIE-4 Service Ordering Interface | Request the instantiation of a service | Provides
| https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/_downloads/9450323ada78d8f7eeb360141ed68b63/swagger.json |
ExternalAPIE-5 Service Inventory Interface | Query information about instantiated services | Provides
| https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/_downloads/58f285f89bb1416ea0a0ceec1e325800/swagger.json |
Note: xxxI interface is a Component internal interface. xxxxE interface is a component external interface
The current offered API documents including swagger and ReDoc version can be found at:
- External API interface: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/casablancalatest/_downloads/8cce799c6c8f3f5916f265c52ab60ba7/nbicallflow.pdfofferedapis/offeredapis.html
ExternalAPI consumes the following Interfaces:
Interface Name | Purpose Reason For Use | API Spec (Swagger) |
SDCE-6 | To receive the notifications of a new service. | |
SDCE-7 | To query the catalogue for service specifications | |
SOE-X | To request a service instantiation | |
AAIE-1 | To query the instantiated services | |
MSBE-1 | Register NBI API | |
DMAAPE-1 | Poll 2 topics: AAI events SDC events |
The current consumer API documents can be found at:
- External API interface: https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-externalapi-nbi/en/latest/consumedapis/consumedapis.html
3. Component Description: