1. Project Overview
3. New or modified interfaces
Architecture diagram - DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#Highlevelarchitecturediagram
New External interfaces
- Data Extraction Service API - Provides basic computation and data retrieval/access from datastorage maintained by DL handlers (Feeder). This API will be consumed by Slice Analysis MS (DCAE) and UUI
- VES-Collector
- HV-VES (High Volume VES)
- PRH (PNF Registration Handler)
- DFC (DataFile Collector)
- 3GPP PM Mapper
- PM Subscription Handler
- RESTConf - https://git.onap.org/dcaegen2/collectors/restconf/tree/swagger_restconfcollector.yaml
- des-swagger.json
DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#APIOutgoingDependencies
6. What are the system limits
PM-Mapper performance baseline
Datafile Collector (DFC) performance baseline results
HV-VES Performance Test
7. Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements
- Usecases - DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#GuilinUsecaseswithDCAEimpact
- Features - DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#GuilinFeatureswithDCAEImpact
8. Platform Maturity Targets
DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#PlatformMaturity.1
Non-Functional - DCAE R7 M1 R8 M2 Release Planning#Non-FunctionalRequirement
9. Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only)