Vote(s)/Action(s) in progress:
- Review Honolulu Global Requirements - Target: Dec 2nd, 2020
- #AGREED the TSC approves the sign-off of the ONAP Guilin release, including all preceding milestones, with the following contingencies
- waivers for so and so-vnfm-adapter non-ssl node ports
- the delivery of the architecture documentation by
- the delivery of the release notes finalized by
TSC approves the removal POMBA in OOM Helm charts
TSC approved our new SO committer: Ramesh Parthasarathy - #7290 (
- TSC approved to cancel the TSC call on Oct 15th, 2020 (LFN DDF Fall Event) - #1853 (
- TSC approved kickoff date for Honolulu is end of day Oct 16th, 2020 i.e. Global requirements (functional and non functional requirements) to be available for the TSC to be reviewed and prioritized
- TSC agreed that the AAI project contributes a concurrency bugfix to the Frankfurt branch on a few AAI microservices
TSC approved Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) to be an independent project - #1868 (
- TSC approved the creation of new repositories for the Integration Team (testsuite/cds; integration/terraform; integration/simulators/5G-core-nf-simulator) -
- TSC approved the recommendations from the Infrastructure Coordinator about Brittany Plummer's committer promotion (Java Logging Libraries) -
- TSC approved our new OOF Committer - dhebeha mj -
- TSC reviewed and prioritized REQ 396-399 as RANK #3 (PTL GO/NO GO)
- TSC approved that the following projects are under maintenance AAF, Logging/Pomba, Music, APPC and AAI/ESR
- TSC agreed that the Guilin M1 will be pushed out to July 13 @ PTL meeting
- TSC approved SDC Committer's promotions - Christophe Closset, Xue Gao, Sebastien Determe and Julien Bertozzi -
- TSC approved the creation of a new repository ccsdk/oran for ORAN related work in CCSDK –
- TSC approved AAI, CLAMP, CCSDK, CLI, DCAE, DMaaP, DOC, ExternalAPI, Holmes, Integration, Modeling, Mutli-Cloud, MSB, SDNC, OOM, OOF, POLICY, PORTAL, SDC, SO, UUI, VNFREQS, VVP, VFC, VID, VNFSDK asd passing the M1 milestone for the Guilin release
- TSC approved Guilin Usecases and Functional requirements marked as GREEN except REQ335-338.
- TSC approved the creation of OOM repositories (keycloak, cert-manager, cert-service) -
- TSC approved VID Committer's promotion - Ikram Ikramullah -
- TSC approved the re-election of Magnus Buhrgard as our ONAP Network Management Technical Community Coordinator -
- TSC approved PTL Toolchain Improvements - Short Term Path -
- TSC approved that permissive and weak copyleft licenses can be part of ONAP containers -
- TSC approved the new Policy Committer - Ajith Sreekumar -
- TSC approved during the TSC Call - TSC 2020-07-23
- The changes to the TCC positions; Removal of Infrastructure Coordinator, align 5G and Edge to the Requirements Subcommittee, Cloud Native to the CNF Taskforce, and AI/ML to the Control-loop subcommittee.
- TSC approved Option 1 concerning Non Functional Requirements i.e. Approve all the non functional requirements for M1 so the project teams can try to improve during the Guilin timeframe until M4 (Code Freeze)
- TSC approved M1 Guilin Milestone including REQ335-338
- TSC approved with the recommended promotion of AAI, CCSDK, DCAE, DMaaP, ExtAPI, Modeling, OOF, Policy, SDC, SO & UUI from the "Incubation" to "Mature" project state.
- TSC agreed with the recommendation that the following projects have not met the criteria for promotion at this time: CLAMP, CLI, Holmes, Portal & VVP
- TSC agreed that there will be a vote on the Strong Copyleft licenses in containers at next week's TSC meeting
TSC approved the following priorities #1 Completion of Frankfurt and #2 Kick-off Guilin release, does the TSC approve an El-Alto Maintenance release just after Frankfurt Sign-Off TSC 2020-06-04
TSC approved to cancel the TSC call on May 21st, 2020 (Ascension Day) -
- TSC approved the recommendations from the Infrastructure Coordinator about the creation of a new repository (testsuite/pythonsdk-tests related to smoke tests leveraging onap_pythonsdk framework) for the Integration Team -
- TSC approved the recommendations from the Infrastructure Coordinator about the promotion of Alan Weinstock as VNFRQTS committer -
TSC confirmed Olivier Phenix as the replacement for the reserved seat vacated Alexis de Talhouët
Requirements, Use Cases [ marked as ] GREEN [ in Frankfurt Release Requirements ] Approved by TSC [ (applies to v552 ) ] TSC 2020-03-05
TSC agreed that the following projects have successfully completed the requirements for Frankfurt M4: CLAMP, ExtAPI, Modeling, Policy, VID, VVP, VNFReqs
- TSC approved of the following projects for Frankfurt M4: AAI, DCAE, SDNC, VFC, SO, MultiCloud
- TSC approved the following requirements REQ-140 IN PROGRESS , REQ-37 IN PROGRESS , REQ-150 IN PROGRESS , REQ-84 IN PROGRESS REQ-118 IN PROGRESS , REQ-129 IN PROGRESS , REQ-76 IN PROGRESS , REQ-174 IN PROGRESS , REQ-215 TO DO , REQ-219 IN PROGRESS & REQ-227 IN PROGRESS as documented in v572 of the Frankfurt Release Requirements.
- TSC approved on 3/12/2020 the following SECCOM/PTL requests for the Frankfurt release: Best effort on OJSI tickets for Frankfurt, except for REQ-231 is mandatory with some exceptions
- TSC agreed that REQ-235 - Password removal from OOM HELM charts In Progress REQ-227 - Complete the OJSI backlog In Progress are approved for Frankfurt
- TSC agreed that REQ-263 - Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables Done REQ-247 - Coverity integration In Progress descoped from Frankfurt
The TSC confirmed Fernando Oliveira as the replacement for the reserved seat vacated by Viswanath Kumar Skand Priya
The TSC agreed that Frankfurt Release – M2/M3 milestone was successfully completed
The TSC approved the proposed exception process &
The TSC approved the ReadTheDocs versus Wiki usage policy
- TSC approved that code coverage criteria for M4 is removed AND migration to SonarCloud must be completed by RC0 and the test coverage value should be at 55%
- The TSC stipulate that migration to Portal SDK 2.6 (by any impacted projects) is a pre-requisite for meeting the M4 milestone delivery for the Frankfurt release
- TSC agreed to use the proposed updates from @Lingli for the LF Board update
Emergency AAF Committer Promotions of Pawel Baniewski , Gerard Nugent , John Franey timebound to the Frankfurt release
Consensus that AAF dependencies should be deprecated in the Guilin or Honolulu releases, but any formal discussion on this topic was tabled for a future TSC meeting.
Renaming of the “Usecase Subcommittee” to be the “Requirements Subcommittee”